- Xenogears
- Chrono series
- FF9
- FF8
- FF7
- Legend Of Dragoon
- Legend Of Legaia
- Xenosaga series
- Kingdom Hearts
- FF Tactics
- Valkyria Chronicles
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Series wise-
Game wise-
Forgot about Fire Emblem Awakening
Fav games:
1. Xenoblade Chronicles
2. Persona 4 Golden
3. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
6. Kingdom Hearts II
7. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
8. The World Ends With You
9. Fire Emblem Awakening
10. Baldur's Gate II
Series wise-
Game wise-
I heard FF6 was one of the greatest
Deus Ex
System Shock (1&2)
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Skies of Arcadia
Fallout (1,2&NV)
Baldur´s Gate (1&2)
Planescape: Torment
Ultima(series,excluding 8&9)
Phantasy Star (1,2&4)
Gothic 2
Shining Force(1,2&3)
There´s plenty more that I love like Diablo,The Witcher,Persona,Icewind Dale,Valkyria Chronicles,Stonekeep,Alpha Protocol,Panzer Dragoon Saga,Lands of Lore,etc,but the former are generally the major ones for me,give or take.
In no real order:
* Mass Effect trilogy
* Dragon Age Origins
* Skyrim
* The Witcher 2
* Deus Ex HR
* Path of Exile
From previous gens
* Knights of the Old Republic
* Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (US SNES numbering)
* Wild Arms
* Secret of Mana
Series wise-
Game wise-
I heard FF6 was one of the greatest
It is
In no real order:
* Mass Effect trilogy
* Dragon Age Origins
* Skyrim
* The Witcher 2
* Deus Ex HR
* Path of Exile
From previous gens
* Knights of the Old Republic
* Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (US SNES numbering)
* Wild Arms
* Secret of Mana
Mass Effect isn't a RPG
@Young_Charter: Did you include Valkyria Chronicles just for me? D'awwwwww, thanks!
As for me...
These aren't really in any specific order, but SMT is definitely #1.
As far as JRPGs go, I'd say Persona series having only played Persona 3 and 4, has some of the best localization of all the JRPGs I've played, great balance of the games social system and combat , and side things to do like building courage, studying, and developing charm. Technically the games aren't that complex but full with creative design. I've come to like the Shin Megami Tensei name and tried other stuff, like SMT4 which I liked, and Soul Hackers. I've a bunch of other stuff though to try, still need to finish Devil Survivor and then the sequel. There's also the two part Digital Devil Saga and two part Devil Summoner games and Nocturne on the PS2. Oh, and still hunting for a copy of SMT: Strange Journey for the DS.
Aside from that, as far as western RPGs go I'd say the Mass Effect series is my current favorite.
In no order whatsoever
Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
Vagrant Story (PS1)
The Legend of Dragoon (PS1)
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (PS1)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
Ys: Origin (PC)
Parasite Eve (PS1)
Final Fantasy 9 (PS1)
King's Field 2 (PS1)
Guild Wars (PC)
Diablo 2 (PC)
There are 12 from me that I loved.
Mass Effect
Dead Island
Fable II
Fable III
Final Fantasy XIII
Monster Hunter Tri if that counts as an RPG. I'm really digging Spectrobes Origins on Wii as well.
Jade Empire
In no real order:
* Mass Effect trilogy
* Dragon Age Origins
* Skyrim
* The Witcher 2
* Deus Ex HR
* Path of Exile
From previous gens
* Knights of the Old Republic
* Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (US SNES numbering)
* Wild Arms
* Secret of Mana
Mass Effect isn't a RPG
Yeah I too have never considered the series to be RPG and find it amusing when people do. Doesn't take much at all these days to get somebody to call a game an RPG.
My favourites in chronological order for me per generation: Ultima, Shining Force, Elder Scrolls, Baldurs Gate, The Witcher, Mass Effect
Missed a whole bunch either because they weren't my favourites of the gen in question, or I enjoyed one out of the series and didn't get to play the others yet, or they technically don't qualify (the lines are becoming blurred. Technically, Red Dead is an RPG, and the upgrades are weaponry and power. Not a traditional one so it's not there). I've been playing RPGs for so long I've probably missed tons too. Also it feels like Final Fantasy belongs on the list but it's never been my favourite series at the time plus it's been really really sour as of late. Shin Megami Tensei should be on there really but I'm in the middle of playing through them so it stays off for now.
1. Chrono Trigger is the BEST RPG of all time, period. Cross was good but nothing like it
2. Final Fantasy Tactics - runner up to Trigger. The best SRPG ever and probably will always be the best.
3. FF8 , 9 man I was a sucker for the romance lolz
dragons dogma was really good too
Souls games.
Organic role-playing at it's finest. It focuses on player experience, not stat-building or dialogue tree exploration. It barely has any dialogue period and has told some incredibly amazing, deep stories with meaningful characters.
Mass Effect isn't...
AdobeArtist, forever salty about Mass Effect 3's franchise-destroying ending.
Mass Effect isn't...
I was kidding :P
So was my "ban" lol :P
i dunno if I'd go that far. But I will say that the second is significantly better written than the first.
I wouldn't say nether of them are as good as the other, they each do something better than the other and at the end they're both equally as good as each other.
I wouldn't say nether of them are as good as the other, they each do something better than the other and at the end they're both equally as good as each other.
Oh, I think they're both great games. But I think the second is better written. That's all I meant.
@DarkLink77: Nah, it just have a different tone. KoTOR2 feels like a deconstruction of the Star Wars mithology, especially the Jedi. KoTOR1 is more of a classic Star Wars tale.
And again, they're both great. I just think KoTOR II has a better script behind it. Writing good morally gray stuff is a lot harder than writing traditional Star Wars. I'd also argue that the second game has better characters.
@DarkLink77: Nah, it just have a different tone. KoTOR2 feels like a deconstruction of the Star Wars mithology, especially the Jedi. KoTOR1 is more of a classic Star Wars tale.
And again, they're both great. I just think KoTOR II has a better script behind it. Writing good morally gray stuff is a lot harder than writing traditional Star Wars. I'd also argue that the second game has better characters.
I think about this sometimes but I'm not sure. There is a lot of merit in KoTOR2 work yet in a way it's beyond the point, since Star Wars was meant to have the good side and the bad side very defined. It wouldn't say it's difficult to question some of those philosophies, the hard part is to do it inside a compeling story with compeling characters, which is what KoTOR2 did.
Anyway, it's interesting to note how different these games are, even if at surface level they are similar. But that is also the reason they make an awesome series.
My friends. KOTOR 1 largely got praised because console gamers had never had anything deep before. Not that it was deep, it was incredibly shallow compared to Baldurs Gate and other pc ilk.
Although Kotor 2 also had shitty unbalanced gameplay (something critics ignore due to being console casuals) it had superior story-telling and decision making. The fact Obisdian done all this while being treated poorly (Bioware had far much more time and resources) shows just what an achievement for mankind it was.
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