When you look at it this way, there isn't really that much coming to PS4. Just sayin.
Kinda agree... Definitely more games on Xbone I'm excited for.
But Uncharted 4 will be amazing.
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When you look at it this way, there isn't really that much coming to PS4. Just sayin.
Kinda agree... Definitely more games on Xbone I'm excited for.
But Uncharted 4 will be amazing.
The only games that actually look good on that list are Uncharted 4 and Rime, Bloodborne doesn't appeal to me just like it doesn't to the other 97% of everybody, Until Dawn looks even worse and more restrictive than The Order and The Tomorrow Children looks very meh.
1. Bloodborne for sure.
2. Uncharted 4 kinda.
3. Persona 5, I have no experience with the series, but people seem to be excited.
4. Rime?
5. ......
Struggling to come up with a list here, Bloodborne is the only one I'm truly looking forward to. Street Fighter 5 and Axiom Verge? Day 1 buys for sure, but I was under the impression that they're not exclusives.
Oh God he put Until Dawn on his list... I'm going to make an early prediction on that game... 3-4/10. Looks worse than the Order
On topic: I'm interested in the following
-Bloodborne (because Dark Souls)
-Wild (because Michel Ancel)
-No Man's Sky (Because dream game)
What's wrong with until dawn, and the order. Games don't need to be open world to be fun. I loved Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls, Telltale's Walking dead, game of thrones and the remake of Grim Fandango.... And older games in a similar vein like Dreamfall the longest Journey , and adventure games from before most of the complaining lems were even born or in diapers.
Games can be a lot of things and art and cinema is apart of that. There is room for both, which this "hate campaign" on cinematic or adventure games... people don't get. If Until Dawn was multiplat on Xbox - PC, these people would not be railing against them. Plain and simple. It's console wars bullshit... the hate pilled up on good games from people who wouldn't play them anyway.
Actually The Order got holes ripped in it because it is a steaming pile of shit.
Adventure games, puzzle games and cinematic story games have their place and can be good, if done properly. There have many over the years that I have enjoyed immensely. Unfortunately the adventure and puzzle genres are in desperate need of a renaissance, the days of Monkey Island, Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle are long gone (oddly so is Lucas Arts).
Have you even played The Order? Because I can actually confirm it's a steaming pile of dog shit. It's a shame too because it's graphics king.
The graphics don't even look that great, it's all destroyed because of the insane amount of blur, film grain and post processing they added to everything, it honestly looks like the game is being rendered sub-HD and then being upscaled, there's no clarity, no sharpness, it's soft and blurry.. It's also nauseating to play because of the ridiculous amount of motion blur and not being able to really see or focus on anything when you're moving.
1. Bloodborne for sure.
2. Uncharted 4 kinda.
3. Persona 5, I have no experience with the series, but people seem to be excited.
4. Rime?
5. ......
Struggling to come up with a list here, Bloodborne is the only one I'm truly looking forward to. Street Fighter 5 and Axiom Verge? Day 1 buys for sure, but I was under the impression that they're not exclusives.
Neither is Persona 5, but nowadays cows like to pretend pc and last gen versions don't count.
Reminds me of somebody last gen that used the term "windows exclusive" often due to the fact that their games kept coming to pc all the time.
Who was it again?
1. Bloodborne for sure.
2. Uncharted 4 kinda.
3. Persona 5, I have no experience with the series, but people seem to be excited.
4. Rime?
5. ......
Struggling to come up with a list here, Bloodborne is the only one I'm truly looking forward to. Street Fighter 5 and Axiom Verge? Day 1 buys for sure, but I was under the impression that they're not exclusives.
Neither is Persona 5, but nowadays cows like to pretend pc and last gen versions don't count.
Reminds me of somebody last gen that used the term "windows exclusive" often due to the fact that their games kept coming to pc all the time.
Who was it again?
Ha, yeah I remember that shit. Can't remember who though, almost sounds like a Bakerism, though I know it wasn't him.
But yeah, gotta love those arbitrary definitions. Sony exclusive, Windows exclusive, console exclusive. I remember the phrase "Sony family exclusive", that one always sounded funny. Also, can't forget "console graphics king!" lol.
1. Bloodborne for sure.
2. Uncharted 4 kinda.
3. Persona 5, I have no experience with the series, but people seem to be excited.
4. Rime?
5. ......
Struggling to come up with a list here, Bloodborne is the only one I'm truly looking forward to. Street Fighter 5 and Axiom Verge? Day 1 buys for sure, but I was under the impression that they're not exclusives.
Neither is Persona 5, but nowadays cows like to pretend pc and last gen versions don't count.
Reminds me of somebody last gen that used the term "windows exclusive" often due to the fact that their games kept coming to pc all the time.
Who was it again?
Ha, yeah I remember that shit. Can't remember who though, almost sounds like a Bakerism, though I know it wasn't him.
But yeah, gotta love those arbitrary definitions. Sony exclusive, Windows exclusive, console exclusive. I remember the phrase "Sony family exclusive", that one always sounded funny. Also, can't forget "console graphics king!" lol.
Oh it's still here.
Our good friend SolidGame loves the term "Playstation exclusive" nowadays. Or, has some others say "Only on playstation". oh god.
PlayStation 4 Top 5 exclusives in 2015
Ratchet and Clank (Can't wait to see the Solana Galaxy on the PS4 hardware)
Gran Turismo 7 (Hanging on to the hopes that they actually craft a clean cut racer like they haven't done for what.. more than a decade now?)
These games are not even announced...
Gran Turismo 7 (Hanging on to the hopes that they actually craft a clean cut racer like they haven't done for what.. more than a decade now?)
Man, GT is my favorite racing series. I never did pick up GT6 since I had already exhausted myself on GT5. Played a bit of 6 at a friends, but that was about it.
Anyways, have they actually mentioned anything about shooting for a 2015 release with GT7? I'd be shocked if that game comes out this year.
Oh God he put Until Dawn on his list... I'm going to make an early prediction on that game... 3-4/10. Looks worse than the Order
On topic: I'm interested in the following
-Bloodborne (because Dark Souls)
-Wild (because Michel Ancel)
-No Man's Sky (Because dream game)
What's wrong with until dawn, and the order. Games don't need to be open world to be fun. I loved Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls, Telltale's Walking dead, game of thrones and the remake of Grim Fandango.... And older games in a similar vein like Dreamfall the longest Journey , and adventure games from before most of the complaining lems were even born or in diapers.
Games can be a lot of things and art and cinema is apart of that. There is room for both, which this "hate campaign" on cinematic or adventure games... people don't get. If Until Dawn was multiplat on Xbox - PC, these people would not be railing against them. Plain and simple. It's console wars bullshit... the hate pilled up on good games from people who wouldn't play them anyway.
Actually The Order got holes ripped in it because it is a steaming pile of shit.
Adventure games, puzzle games and cinematic story games have their place and can be good, if done properly. There have many over the years that I have enjoyed immensely. Unfortunately the adventure and puzzle genres are in desperate need of a renaissance, the days of Monkey Island, Sam and Max and Day of the Tentacle are long gone (oddly so is Lucas Arts).
Have you even played The Order? Because I can actually confirm it's a steaming pile of dog shit. It's a shame too because it's graphics king.
If this was an Xbox exclusives you'd be firing broadsides at it, your posts are nothing more than brand loyalty. The dev's have used every trick in the book to hide the background, hell they hide the foreground, behind a mass of blur and/or fog. As soon as your not looking at the central character it a mess of blur, even when you're trying to shoot someone the focus is still on your character and not where you're looking. I played it for all of ten minutes before I had to stop, it literally made my eyes water.
Why do they do this? It's simple they couldn't run the game with high res textures on anything but the central character and still have a playable frame rate. The answer is to blur it all out and call it depth of field because that's how people see anyway, right? Wrong, you move your eyes while playing a game with DoF on and everything stays blurry because you need to move the scene. Unfortunately in The Order the focus stays on the central character regardless of where you point the scene. DoF and motion blur are awful techniques developed late gen 7 to make people believe they were getting much better graphics as the generation dragged on and people expected better visuals.
It's a steaming pile of shit and that includes the graphics. They can shove their 'cinematic experience' up their arse sideways.
PlayStation 4 Top 5 exclusives in 2015
Ratchet and Clank (Can't wait to see the Solana Galaxy on the PS4 hardware)
Gran Turismo 7 (Hanging on to the hopes that they actually craft a clean cut racer like they haven't done for what.. more than a decade now?)
These games are not even announced...
Um... yes, yes they are.
PlayStation 4 Top 5 exclusives in 2015
Ratchet and Clank (Can't wait to see the Solana Galaxy on the PS4 hardware)
Gran Turismo 7 (Hanging on to the hopes that they actually craft a clean cut racer like they haven't done for what.. more than a decade now?)
These games are not even announced...
Um... yes, yes they are.
Since when...
Um... yes, yes they are.
Since when...
Ratchet and Clank was announced at 2014 E3.
GT 7
"...series creator Kazunori Yamauchi now contends that the racing game will be released for Sony's latest home console in 2015 or 2016."
Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, Rime, some game I cant remember the name of, and The Order ( havent gotten it yet so Im still "lookining forward" to it.)
The games Im really hyped for are MGS5, The Division, Batman, and Naruto Storm 4. All these multiplats and Uncharted 4 are the games I really want day one. The rest I mentioned I will wait for.
Gran Turismo lost it's charm to me as soon as I got my hands on Forza 3. My whole perception was changed that day. Just a better put together racer.
And they said it will either be late 2015 or early 2016. Probably the latter but who cares.
Oh yeah, it's undeniable that as a full package, Forza games are simply better. I just don't know what it is though. For some reason the driving in Gran Turismo just always felt better to me. I don't know dick about cars and I'm not trying to say it's more realistic or anything like that. It just feels like there is more depth to the driving in GT.
And they said it will either be late 2015 or early 2016. Probably the latter but who cares.
Yeah, that's my bad man. For some reason I was thinking this thread was about upcoming 2015 exclusives.
dont forget no mans sky
not exclusive. You fell for that Sony trap of just buying stage time with it to give the illusion of an exclusive. Coming to PC and Xbox ONE.
No sir, there's no Xbox One version, but might come to PC too.
dont forget no mans sky
not exclusive. You fell for that Sony trap of just buying stage time with it to give the illusion of an exclusive. Coming to PC and Xbox ONE.
No sir, there's no Xbox One version, but might come to PC too.
No Man's Sky is a timed exclusive, so they can't exactly divulge information, no doubt it's coming to the Xbox One though, no reason not to bring it to it.
And just how often do you play PC games at greater than 1080p resolutions and Ultra settings for you to be such an expert on what they look like?
If The Order was on PC, we'd be able to switch off all obscuring techniques and see it for what it really is, a single high detailed character. Good graphics is more than a single character at any given time, the entire scene should be highly detailed but it's not, it's all hidden away behind fog and blur. Yes the single focus point, central character in any given scene, is fantastic the rest is obscured due to low res textures, even if they're a couple of feet away from you.
Didn't you notice how the focus point doesn't change, regardless of what you do with the camera?
Lemmings salty as **** they have no games.
They're gonna fall apart when GDC isn't the silver bullet that saves the Shitbox.
Ratchet and Clank reboot
Gran Turismo 7
God of War (reboot?)
Heavenly Sword 2?
Umm...Little Big Planet 4 maybe?
Can't really think of 5 exclusive PS4 games that I'm really interested in to be honest. Uncharted 4, and R&C are about it.
What an amazing year to own a PS4 with over 15 games coming exclusively to the PS4 in 2015 and more to be announced. Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne are the main announced games I'm looking forward to this year with guaranteed GOTY/GOTG status.
A lot of the exclusives I'm looking forward to are still unannounced. I'm glad Sony didn't start announcing their 2016 (and a few 2015 ones) lineup a year early like a certain other company *cough*Microsoft*cough*. It's nice to see them keeping their cards closer to their chest. In Microsoft's defense, their lineup this year is mainly composed of multiplat indies so they kinda had to start announcing things early so they don't look too bad.
And just how often do you play PC games at greater than 1080p resolutions and Ultra settings for you to be such an expert on what they look like?
If The Order was on PC, we'd be able to switch off all obscuring techniques and see it for what it really is, a single high detailed character. Good graphics is more than a single character at any given time, the entire scene should be highly detailed but it's not, it's all hidden away behind fog and blur. Yes the single focus point, central character in any given scene, is fantastic the rest is obscured due to low res textures, even if they're a couple of feet away from you.
Didn't you notice how the focus point doesn't change, regardless of what you do with the camera?
This argument about the "fog and blur " reminds me of KZ2. Just clever trickery.
If you're talking just exclusives:
..that's pretty much it as far as exclusives. There's FAR more multi plats that have the potential to be blockbusters.. i.e. MKX, MGS PP, MLB the show15, The Witcher 3, Batman AC, ect..
The PlayStation 4 got its first major exclusive release of 2015 with The Order 1886. Regardless of what you think of the game, it will be the start of a big wave of titles that can only be played on Sony’s current-gen console. So what are the five PS4 exclusive games to look forward to after The Order 1886? Find out with our rankings below.
First off, let’s talk about a few PS4 exclusives that missed out on the top five. There are a few games that we absolutely can’t wait for but know too little about to make us feel as excited as the other exclusive releases. These titles are Horizon (rumored new IP from Guerrilla Games), Hotshots Golf, God of War, Gran Turismo 7, Shadow of the Beast, MLB: The Show 16, The Last of Us 2 (heavily rumored but not yet officially announced) in addition to the Ratchet & Clank reboot. Also, Persona 5 which can be seen below.
There are also a few other games that we are excited for that just missed out in being on our top five list. One of which is Alienation, a shooter from the developers behind Super Stardust HD and Resogun. Another PSN game to keep an eye on is Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, a new open-world exploration project from the same studio behind Dear Ester. Finally, turn-based strategy fans should also check out Disgaea 5. With all that said, you can find our top five most anticipated PS4 exclusives following the release of The Order 1886 below.
The journey has been a little rough for Until Dawn as it was announced originally for the PlayStation 3 at Gamescom 2012 with an expected 2013 release. The project ended up being delayed and moved to the PlayStation 4. Fortunately, the development team took the extra time to take advantage of the Killzone Shadow Fall engine and beef up the visuals. In terms of gameplay, you can expect a mixture of teen slasher survival horror with gameplay that focuses heavily on quick time events and branching paths.
If you play it with an open mind, Until Dawn will most likely be a pleasant surprise.
That's all that needs to be read. Cows, really started playing safe after the continuous stream of flops.
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