There are some topics that are so repetitive they make a Dynasty Warriors game look like an original masterpiece of innovative game design. I don't know about you, but if I see any of these just ONE more time... I might very well go postal :evil:. So what are these topics of discussion that need to be buried for good?
System XY is Dying
I figured I play out some irony about my own topic by making the first entry about fanboys who try to kill a platform with nothing more than their propaganda. PC gaming has been dying since ATI and Nvidia were founded. Xbox has been dying for almost a decade. Wii is now the most successful fad running on 4 years, and likely will continue its unprecedented fad streak for yet another 6 years. Lets face it. If the haters were accurate, probably the only platform to still be standing today would be Nintendo's handhelds.
Graphics King
This I feel is the worst offender of all. It's so prevalent it can qualify as an epidemic. The biggest fallacy with these threads is the assumption of a universal scale by which can be applied to all manner of art design. Visuals are the most subjective factor of games, where the art direction is designed for a specific styIe the developers are aiming for. So it's not all about realism, or how many polygons can be squeezed into every character model.
This generation has seen some of the most diversity and creativity in thematic visuals and the industry is better for it. It shouldn't be about a single place winner, but about appreciation of all the variety of artistry and creative talent.
Game Play Greater than Graphics
Then when you look at the other side of the equation, it seems some people erroneously try to undervalue the role graphics has in video games. And never forget that these are called video games. They are a highly visual medium. Yes it's very important to gave a solid foundation of game play, from comprehensive mechanics, to intuitive and fluid control, to good level design.
But the graphics serves as the primary engine for the player's interactivity with the game. And as outlined in the previous category, graphics is the canvas for the story, setting the atmosphere and emotion the developers wants the player to experience, as part of the game play. It's not about one being more important than the other between graphics and game play, it's that graphics are an integral part of the game play. They don't exist exclusively, but in fact serve to enable one another.
This and That Game is Milked
If only these arguments were waged with objectivity and a clearly defined criteria. Sadly, a majority of the times they are not. Whether it's regarding Halo, Final Fantasy, Madden, Mario, Call of Duty or any number of franchises, chances are if it was proclaimed as "milked", it has nothing to do with numbers or release cycles or any other quantifiable standard.
I find most often from observing those threads that the argument 90% of the time is coming from an attitude of hypocrisy and double standards, because as I noted earlier, it's not based on any objective data about a threshold of numbers.
No, it usually gets branded as such for no more reason than they simply hate the series. But as surely as the series they love has probably equal amount of games (and in a few cases even more) the same principle no longer applies. In that case, no matter how many games come out for their favoured series, each new release is a Christmas gift to them and cannot be seen as milked. You may not like a given game, but believe me there's plenty more that do. If there weren't a demand for it, new titles wouldn't be released for the series. But it always boils down to the same thing.
One person hates a series = its milked
Same person loves a series = more is better
Promotional/Infomercial Threads
You've seen these before. A poster takes it upon themselves to oversee the market share for a given platform. And boy does their text read like it was pulled right of an advertising agencies handbook. They're "selling" you on all the awesome features their favourite system has as part of a campaign to get you to buy it. They pretty much believe they'll single handedly win the console race with their powers of persuasion and way cool bullet points. You almost expect them to cap it off with, "order now and we'll throw in this handsome set of 5 controller skins, ABSOLUTELY FREEEEEEE".
And a very close cousin to this is what I call the "Pleading Thread". This insidious thread comes in the seemingly innocent guise of asking a question. Like "why does anybody buy a 360 after 2008?", or "why don't console gamers upgrade to PC?", or "how much longer will the Wii fad last?". And when you really examine the topic, it's clear enough that the question comes from the users inability to reconcile the state of the market with how they believe things "should be". They just can't accept what they love being behind the competition, as its so counter to their preconceptions, they make a veiled attempt to persuade people to see, that their choices have all this time been plain "wrong", and they must turn around. After all, the TC had the right idea all along, why shouldn't they "save the masses from their mistake", right?
Whether by a sales pitch or a pleading argument, its futile. Hey it IS great how much you're enjoying the system of your choice, but other people actually have a preference which, **GASP**, didn't coincide with yours :o GET OVER IT!
Hot Video Game Babes
Wha… wait a minute!!! WHO put this on the list?? Wasdie? JG4Xchamp? MusicalMac? Jethrovegas? I'll find out who would dare imply putting and end to these discussions… and… you'll… be… SORRY :twisted::twisted:
***oh and champ, this is reading optional for you, don't sweat it if you didn't read it, lolololol*** :P:P
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