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this has nothing to do with the PS3 or 360.
yes delete this please! it shows how big sony really is. and what does that have to do with gaming at all? if you want to compare the companies, compare the gaming divisionshmm...
this has nothing to do with the PS3 or 360.
yes delete this please! it shows how big sony really is. There was a thread like this before and I don't know how it all works but it ended up that Microsoft was way above Sony. If I were you, I'd quit while I were ahead.I can make one notable differentiation. Sony sells a plethora of hardware devices form tv's to game consoles to stereosect.......Microsoft sells, primarily, software. The profitability for software, I think, should be far higher than that of "hardware"; ie Sony's first party games which they make the highest profit on. So, while Sony may be worth more they are selling a lot more items. Microsoft is selling intellectual property, for the most part, excluding zune and xbox and a few other gadgets. This is a very big difference. Sony must do R&D, like microsoft,then assemble an item, then store an item, then ship an item to a retailer and pay people to do all of the aforementioned. Microsoft primalrily does R&D and sells information on a form of media (excluding Xbox and Zune and a few others). I would be willing to bet, overall as a company, Microsoft will show much higher profits while grossing less sales than Sony. Onceone has information in a scaleable format, how much does it cost to keep manufacturing said information on an inexpensive piece of media?
determing the value of a corporation via its assets is probably the last way anyone would go by to find out its value, unless of course the company is being liquidated then that would make sense.
CURRENT MARKET CAP stats show MS at 180billion, and sony at 28billion.
determing the value of a corporation via its assets is probably the last way anyone would go by to find out its value, unless of course the company is being liquidated then that would make sense.
CURRENT MARKET CAP stats show MS at 180billion, and sony at 28billion.
Agreed, and ownage aproved I guess.
[QUOTE="600pc"]SONY: Total assets ▲ US$ 200 Billion (2009) 2 trillion y Total equity ▲ US$ 50 Billion (2009) Employees 180,500 (as of March 2008) MICROSOFT:Total assets ▲ US$ 72.793 billion (2008) Total equity ▲ US$ 36.286 billion (2008) Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008) (wikipedia MS,Sony) im tired of the fake market capital comparison.farrell2k
Sony (SNE) Market Cap. $26B
Microsoft (MSFT) Market Cap. $179B
That looks about 7x more than sony.
Nortel Market Cap once upon a time was at 300 BIILION now it worth less then 300 million. That value can fade away over night. Tangible assets don't. The intellectual property Sony owns in music and movies alone is worth more then MS.[QUOTE="farrell2k"]
[QUOTE="600pc"]SONY: Total assets ▲ US$ 200 Billion (2009) 2 trillion y Total equity ▲ US$ 50 Billion (2009) Employees 180,500 (as of March 2008) MICROSOFT:Total assets ▲ US$ 72.793 billion (2008) Total equity ▲ US$ 36.286 billion (2008) Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008) (wikipedia MS,Sony) im tired of the fake market capital comparison.Burning_Sun
Sony (SNE) Market Cap. $26B
Microsoft (MSFT) Market Cap. $179B
That looks about 7x more than sony.
Nortel Market Cap once upon a time was at 300 BIILION now it worth less then 300 million. That value can fade away over night. Tangible assets don't. The intellectual property Sony owns in music and movies alone is worth more then MS.Ummm tangible assets definitely can turn to nothing. Movie A does horrible, and therefore if Sony tries to sell the rights to that asset noone buys it. You cant use Assets as a good indicator for value of a company because until the company sells that asset its worthless. Market cap is determined by how a company is performing which is an excellent way to determine value. Yes it can disappear overnight if lets say a company's latest product or Asset bombs.... Its why MS is worth so much because MS has been meeting or beating its expectations for 23+ years with this being its 1st quarter where revenues didnt increase.
SONY: Total assets ▲ US$ 200 Billion (2009) 2 trillion y Total equity ▲ US$ 50 Billion (2009) Employees 180,500 (as of March 2008) MICROSOFT:Total assets ▲ US$ 72.793 billion (2008) Total equity ▲ US$ 36.286 billion (2008) Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008) (wikipedia MS,Sony) im tired of the fake market capital comparison.600pcWell yeah because Sony is a hardware company so they have more tangible assets. Im pretty sure GM has them both beat by a country mile but if any of them get sold MS will command the highest price by far. A company that makes billions in profits a year is much more valuable to investers then a company that has allot of TV's and factories but loses money. Market cap is what investers think a company is worth and MS is way higher then Sony.
Nortel Market Cap once upon a time was at 300 BIILION now it worth less then 300 million. That value can fade away over night. Tangible assets don't. The intellectual property Sony owns in music and movies alone is worth more then MS.[QUOTE="Burning_Sun"]
Sony (SNE) Market Cap. $26B
Microsoft (MSFT) Market Cap. $179B
That looks about 7x more than sony.
Assets are also subject to depreciation. You make no sense. Sony's market cap is only $26B. As such, their total approximate net worth is only $26B. You make no sense.
He makes no sense? When he says that tangible assets don't fade away in value over night, how is that a nonsensical statement? His Nortel example is true. The reason for that is because stock price isn't necessarily representative of a company's actual's representative of the confidence of investors. Why anyone would extrapolate that to have larger meaning as a rule of thumb and then turn around and trivialize a comparison of actual, hard assets is utterly beyond me. If you have no assets....what is your function as a company? To hide behind IP law? Give me a break, you destroy economics. The fact of the matter is if there was no IP law Microsoft would be busted open and splayed out like a gutted fish. So, here's another question for you: could you make me a Playstation 3? Go ahead and make me a Playstation 3. Nope, you can't? Okay, here's another question, do you know how to download a file? Wow, extraordinary, then you have the sufficient mastery to take intellectual property. Intellectual property is almost entirely dependent on IP law. How any of this makes this big, bad, impenetrable and super-important company is utterly beyond me. You do realize that a superior operating system is literally being distributed for free with completely open-source code, right? Microsoft is a joke, I'm sorry. I sit here and I DREAM of the day that people will actually beg for a free product with greater reliability, flexibility, and security. I WISH that was what people were interested in. Instead, they're interested in big promises, big numbers with imaginary meanings attached to them, and enormous advertising campaigns that make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER (I'm a PC, I'M A PC, I'M A PC!!!!).Nortel Market Cap once upon a time was at 300 BIILION now it worth less then 300 million. That value can fade away over night. Tangible assets don't. The intellectual property Sony owns in music and movies alone is worth more then MS.[QUOTE="Burning_Sun"]
Sony (SNE) Market Cap. $26B
Microsoft (MSFT) Market Cap. $179B
That looks about 7x more than sony.
Assets are also subject to depreciation. You make no sense. Sony's market cap is only $26B. As such, their total approximate net worth is only $26B. You make no sense.
Oh, and I'd like you to take a long, hard look at the value of a dollar (a specie-less currency) and the price of the former specie that backed that dollar (gold). You might gain a greater appreciation of these concepts. Can you guess which medium held its value better? A dollar or gold? Gold or dollar? As it turns out, it's gold. Incredible stuff, eh? Could you go print me some gold, please?[QUOTE="Fizzman"]
determing the value of a corporation via its assets is probably the last way anyone would go by to find out its value, unless of course the company is being liquidated then that would make sense.
CURRENT MARKET CAP stats show MS at 180billion, and sony at 28billion.
Agreed, and ownage aproved I guess.
By your logic Nintendo is worth more than Sony. Something should register in your brain by now telling you that market cap is not what u go by to determine a company's worth. 600pc has ownage over everyone in this thread refering to market cap[QUOTE="teufelherz"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]
determing the value of a corporation via its assets is probably the last way anyone would go by to find out its value, unless of course the company is being liquidated then that would make sense.
CURRENT MARKET CAP stats show MS at 180billion, and sony at 28billion.
Agreed, and ownage aproved I guess.
By your logic Nintendo is worth more than Sony. Something should register in your brain by now telling you that market cap is not what u go by to determine a company's worth. 600pc has ownage over everyone in this thread refering to market capnintendo is worth more than sony, nintendo dates back 1889 when they where a card making company, when the yakuza play cards they use a fresh pack for each hand,guess who was selling them those packs of cards? also everytime someone puts a D pad on there controller, nintendo get royalties for it as they own the patent.Lets put aside the fact that microsoft is listed number 25 on forbes ( a credible source) on the list of the 2000 biggest world companies and sony 86 or something like that why does it even matter? Isnt it enough already that you fight over the sales of consoles and games? Now you have to fight which is the bigger company? what does that have to do with gaming? sometimes i wonder if microsoft and sony are using brainwashed tactics from the thinks i read in system wars?
If MS were to disappear today, the computer industry would be plunged into chaos - it's the cornerstone of the PC world, and the PC world as we know it would cease to exist without it. If Sony were to disappear today, there would be dozens of other hardware makers and movie studios there to take their place. MS has less in tangible assets, but has so much market capital, and makes so much more money, because it's simply a *way* more important and influential company.Shafftehr
Windows is the worst OS on earth but MS keeping it the market leader with their money there is dozens of better OSs and cheaper but they are unnoticed because they are not getting the support from other companies.
determing the value of a corporation via its assets is probably the last way anyone would go by to find out its value, unless of course the company is being liquidated then that would make sense.
CURRENT MARKET CAP stats show MS at 180billion, and sony at 28billion.
Agreed, and ownage aproved I guess.
By your logic Nintendo is worth more than Sony. Something should register in your brain by now telling you that market cap is not what u go by to determine a company's worth. 600pc has ownage over everyone in this thread refering to market cap as someone else said, Nintendo IS worth more than sony. Something should register in your brain telling you that market cap IS what you go by to determine a company's worth. Please use the google.SONY: Total assets ▲ US$ 200 Billion (2009) 2 trillion y Total equity ▲ US$ 50 Billion (2009) Employees 180,500 (as of March 2008) MICROSOFT:Total assets ▲ US$ 72.793 billion (2008) Total equity ▲ US$ 36.286 billion (2008) Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008) (wikipedia MS,Sony) im tired of the fake market capital comparison.600pcfake market capital comparison!? The two numbers you cherry-picked for Sony from wikipedia aren't even sourced....litterally someone just edited that in there.
SONY: Total assets ▲ US$ 200 Billion (2009) 2 trillion y Total equity ▲ US$ 50 Billion (2009) Employees 180,500 (as of March 2008) MICROSOFT:Total assets ▲ US$ 72.793 billion (2008) Total equity ▲ US$ 36.286 billion (2008) Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008) (wikipedia MS,Sony) im tired of the fake market capital comparison.600pc
And I think Wikipedia is wrong because I am looking at Microsoft on Nasdaq and the Sony Corporation on the New York Stock Exchange and:
Market Cap/Value: $179,950,000,000
Market Cap/Value: $26,570,000,000
If I were you I wouldn't use wikipedia as a place to get stock quotes lol...
ALL publicly traded companies are measured in Market Capitalization, which is share price multiplied by the number of shares. Microsoft has almost 10x the shares that Sony does (hard assets) and sony has more liquid assets (electronic devices). This is why we see sony's revenues so high, because they deal in liquid assets that are always changing hands and being sold. Stocks, and investments arent, they are long term investments, so money doesnt change hands nearly as often. As of today, the MARKET CAP of each company is as follows.......
MICROSOFT 179.95 Billion
SONY 26.57 Billion
If MS were to disappear today, the computer industry would be plunged into chaos - it's the cornerstone of the PC world, and the PC world as we know it would cease to exist without it. If Sony were to disappear today, there would be dozens of other hardware makers and movie studios there to take their place. MS has less in tangible assets, but has so much market capital, and makes so much more money, because it's simply a *way* more important and influential company.Shafftehr
Not really. OSX will just take over. The reason windows is successful is because it's simple, user friendly and has some idiot blocks built in. OSX is very close to windows so they will just get the entire market.
[QUOTE="Shafftehr"]If MS were to disappear today, the computer industry would be plunged into chaos - it's the cornerstone of the PC world, and the PC world as we know it would cease to exist without it. If Sony were to disappear today, there would be dozens of other hardware makers and movie studios there to take their place. MS has less in tangible assets, but has so much market capital, and makes so much more money, because it's simply a *way* more important and influential company.Espada12
Not really. OSX will just take over. The reason windows is successful is because it's simple, user friendly and has some idiot blocks built in. OSX is very close to windows so they will just get the entire market.
Perhaps, but not likely to happen if MS just fell out. If MS died, the computer market as we know it would disappear. Not to say comuting would disappear, but it would certainly be chaotic. Especially in a business world impact.[QUOTE="Espada12"][QUOTE="Shafftehr"]If MS were to disappear today, the computer industry would be plunged into chaos - it's the cornerstone of the PC world, and the PC world as we know it would cease to exist without it. If Sony were to disappear today, there would be dozens of other hardware makers and movie studios there to take their place. MS has less in tangible assets, but has so much market capital, and makes so much more money, because it's simply a *way* more important and influential company.SpruceCaboose
Not really. OSX will just take over. The reason windows is successful is because it's simple, user friendly and has some idiot blocks built in. OSX is very close to windows so they will just get the entire market.
Perhaps, but not likely to happen if MS just fell out. If MS died, the computer market as we know it would disappear. Not to say comuting would disappear, but it would certainly be chaotic. Especially in a business world impact.Yea there would be problems for a couple months until everything gets settled down and OSX can replace windows.
A few months would be generous. It would take years for OS X to completely overtake Windows. They would be able to get a majority marketshare within a few months due to necessity in security patching and what not in the world of business, but there are tons of people outside the business world who would keep using Windows.Yea there would be problems for a couple months until everything gets settled down and OSX can replace windows.
[QUOTE="Shattered007"][QUOTE="600pc"] yes delete this please! it shows how big sony really is.600pcThere was a thread like this before and I don't know how it all works but it ended up that Microsoft was way above Sony. If I were you, I'd quit while I were ahead. jesus. Nah, I'm Shattered001 but I heard that guy was pretty great... :)
Yea there would be problems for a couple months until everything gets settled down and OSX can replace windows.
A few months would be generous. It would take years for OS X to completely overtake Windows. They would be able to get a majority marketshare within a few months due to necessity in security patching and what not in the world of business, but there are tons of people outside the business world who would keep using Windows. You can tell who's never used OSX Server! :D Yeah, a third of the business world would collapse completely if everything MS just.. disappeared.Please Log In to post.
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