This is the greatest SW thread I have ever witnessed.
you're only a month old. stay longer. you'll see more ownage.
who you should really thank for this ownage is MICROSOFT. The first console that creates the ability for people to demand PROOF that you own a game or the console.
Someone says they have the game? Show us your gamertag. If you have it, it'll show you've played it.
Someone says they BEAT the game? Show us your gamertag. If you have, we'll see the achievement.
Someone claims they have a 360? Show us your gamertag. Sendd someone a message.
This new reality has resulted in some of the most legendary ownages ever.
So thank Microsoft for creating an environment that doesn't let us get fooled by fanboys anymore.
You're right. Out of all the time I spent in SW, hearing that Einstein and Hitler were in different time periods... hearing that PC can't do HD... this is the greatest thres I have ever seen.
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