I love them both.
I am trying to get a fancy TROPHY Score (1500 Trophies, 21 Platinums) but I love my 360 score (99,300).
The Trophy system's PLATINUM CONCEPT is superior to Achievements in that users on my Friendslist can see with a glance I have 21 Platinums, and I wish there was some sort of incentive for a 1000 points. Stopping at 995 is just as good.
Achievements are superior in that all old games have them...which makes them that aspect better.
IMO, they are about even. :P
EDIT : Here is a thought I had on the matter in the past :
It's all about the way you are built.
I personally have a lot of competitive friends (probably because I'm competitive, and I seek that out subconsciously) and whether it's Chess, Poker, Basketball, Football, BikeRiding, VideoGames, whatever, it's just kinda fun.
I was the guy who had to climb the mountain on the weekends, the kid in school that tried to get the best grade, the guy at work with the best numbers. That's just how I was built, how my parents raised me, to try to be the best at what I touch. The key word is try, not to be the best, but to try.
On my Xbox 360 and PS3 friends list, there is a LOT of competition to 1 up each other. It's all for the lulz, and we know it. I played Bulletwitch THREE Times through on various difficulties just to beat my friends gamerscore (that game was horrible). We both laugh about it, because it was hell for both of us, and we drink about it on Saturday. It's for friendly lulz.
Play for fun, I have a lot of friends that don't get more than 100-200 Gamerscore per game, and a few trophies here and there, they just game.
For the majority of my pals, it's just funny to talk crap to each other about WHO IS THE BEST AA BATMAN GAMER (Best leaderboards, lol), or whatever.
I have cousins and brothers that also compete with me. One of my brothers is VERY competitive, and he's always trying to take me out (I always beat him, but he doesn't give up.) My other brother saw us, saw how competitive he would have to be to compete, and went the hippy nice guy route. He's not good at school, he's terrible and lazy at work, he's not driven, but I love him. He's my brother. He's the type of gamer that plays here and there, and doesn't care.
Whatever makes you happy and smile, right?
IT's about perspective, and how you are built.
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