I dare you...
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I dare you...
Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
[QUOTE="Newnab"]Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Well if those PC FPS' I played have autoaim and impaired controls too, I guess you're right.
I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
He said "play some Halo" - so he's a "halo fanboy"? And this thread isn't completely yelling to the world "True_Gamer_ is an epic fanboy" at all now, is it?
I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
I meant a citizen of the European Union that uses the same currency (apart from few exceptions) and has the same market (free movement of goods...)..
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
I meant a citizen of the European Union that uses the same currency (apart from few exceptions) and has the same market (free movement of goods...)..
That doesn't really make any difference to what i said.
I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
Because, no matter what, everyone are still lowly humans. Classify away!
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
I meant a citizen of the European Union that uses the same currency (apart from few exceptions) and has the same market (free movement of goods...)..
Yea but countries in EU varry greatly too. I mean, compare us to the Germans or the English. Most of the people you see here play pc mostly, but thats in net cafes and their playing dota, cs 1.6 dota or linage 2...
[QUOTE="Newnab"]Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
I play consoles And i'm from Scotland. Played PC first and more.dead rising, doa4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Forza 2, Halo 3 (unless you feel like waiting), rock band, Mass effect (unless you feel like waiting), Army of Two, Assassin's Creed (no word on release date PC version), Brutal Legend.
Honestly if this list hasn't at least sparked your interest in console gaming you shouldn't call yourself a gamer.
Not to mention the ps3/360 versions of most sports games are superior (though more costly).
[QUOTE="Newnab"]Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
i have... they're really fun but there's just something about having friends over and playing on a console. with pc you have to drag all the equipment and everything. just takes too long.
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"][QUOTE="Newnab"]Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Well if those PC FPS' I played have autoaim and impaired controls too, I guess you're right.
Auto aim is for japanese and Noobs -.-... Real men aim and pop headshots
dead rising, doa4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Forza 2, Halo 3 (unless you feel like waiting), rock band, Mass effect (unless you feel like waiting), Army of Two, Assassin's Creed (no word on release date PC version), Brutal Legend.
Honestly if this list hasn't at least sparked your interest in console gaming you shouldn't call yourself a gamer.
Not to mention the ps3/360 versions of most sports games are superior (though more costly).
PES2008 sucks royally on the PS3 and the pC version is identical to the 360 version...whilst costing over double its price...
DoA online coming to PC and its exclusive and cheaper...
Same for Guitar Heroe 3...
RACE is far better than Forza and also have GTLegends and GTR2...
Game prices are so inflated on consoles that PC is by far better in graphics and features whilst not being expensive at all...
do you have any number of console gamer in europe compare to pc gamer im curious?legol1
There isnt any service like NPD...However just look ta game prices differnces...its hilarious how much consollers are ripped off here...
[QUOTE="legol1"]do you have any number of console gamer in europe compare to pc gamer im curious?True_Gamer_
There isnt any service like NPD...However just look ta game prices differnces...its hilarious how much consollers are ripped off here...
Consoles are huge in the EU no matter what you say! The price of games have not put off millions of people from buying them.
Its worth the extra to me if it means I don't have to put up with playing the game on a PC.
I had to install sim2 the other day for my niece to play..... was about half an hour of my life I will never get back again......omg..... I do love my consoles :D
It took you half an horu to install THE SIMS? What do you have paulsy or something?Vandalvideo
Have you ever installed the damn game? - So many disks and then so much fiddling around to get the bloody thing to work with the graphics card.... its just not fun you know.
Then I had to sit and watch her trying to play the game...... omg the afternoon from hell it was.... *sobs*
At the end of the day, as far as I'm concerned, the PC is a fantastic gaming platform. But so is the 360. I'd advise anyone who likes games to have EITHER a PC or a 360 for this gen... They share a lot of games, are both great, but some people prefer PCs and some prefer consoles.
I'm a console gamer, through and through. Me and PC don't get on so well with regards to gaming, I just never have as much gaming fun on here as I do on consoles, and that's a personal preference.
The PC is great, the 360 is great, but man...Most PC gamers really need to come down off their elitist highest of horses.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]It took you half an horu to install THE SIMS? What do you have paulsy or something?philhilluk
Have you ever installed the damn game? - So many disks and then so much fiddling around to get the bloody thing to work with the graphics card.... its just not fun you know.
Then I had to sit and watch her trying to play the game...... omg the afternoon from hell it was.... *sobs*
You must have a PC from the stone ages with a disk reading spead of times one or something. 0_o Either that or like I said, you have palsy.[QUOTE="jrhawk42"]dead rising, doa4, Ninja Gaiden 2, Forza 2, Halo 3 (unless you feel like waiting), rock band, Mass effect (unless you feel like waiting), Army of Two, Assassin's Creed (no word on release date PC version), Brutal Legend.
Honestly if this list hasn't at least sparked your interest in console gaming you shouldn't call yourself a gamer.
Not to mention the ps3/360 versions of most sports games are superior (though more costly).
PES2008 sucks royally on the PS3 and the pC version is identical to the 360 version...whilst costing over double its price...
DoA online coming to PC and its exclusive and cheaper...
Same for Guitar Heroe 3...
RACE is far better than Forza and also have GTLegends and GTR2...
Game prices are so inflated on consoles that PC is by far better in graphics and features whilst not being expensive at all...
hence the quantifier "most" you were able to name one sports game equal on the PC.
DOA online is not DOA4, and has not been mentioned for release in europe.
I said "Rock Band" not GH3, if you don't realize it rock band allows you to play drums, and sing along along w/ a multitude of unique features that won't be in GH3 which is basically GH1&2 with new songs.
RACE is opinion/taste, but on average metacritic scores are much higher for console race series. Also you're givin much more variety on consoles with arcade racers like Burnout, and PGR. While PC only has the N4S series (also available on consoles)
dunno how pc game prices are in europe but it seems that many people are still willing to buy console game, and in record numbers. Over here the reason the console prices went up is because marketing research showed that most console gamers were will to pay $60 for games, while pc gamers wouldn't. You could say that console gamers feel their games are worth a better value hence the reason they'd pay more.
My PC is over 3 years old and is obsolete now in PC gaming land. I am not going to bother replacing it as it does what I need it to do though :)
My PS2 it still going strong though and can play the latest games perfecly.
[QUOTE="Newnab"]Ok. *looks for a European, then looks in the mirror* Ah, found one. Hey. You there. Buy an Xbox 360 and play some Halo.
Ok, sounds good!
Mission Accomplished.
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
I swear to all the entities, sometimes you make me have second-thoughts about the 7900 GPU I just bought, because if I run into you on Crysis, I'm going to be disgusted that we have the same game.
Call me when I can play Metal Gear Solid 4 on a PC. Or Super Mario Galaxy. Or Ninja Gaiden 2. There are reasons why people choose consoles. z_gaming_master
And thus choose to be ripped off royally and still believe that they save money? You know what they say about the masses...
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]Call me when I can play Metal Gear Solid 4 on a PC. Or Super Mario Galaxy. Or Ninja Gaiden 2. There are reasons why people choose consoles. True_Gamer_
And thus choose to be ripped off royally and still believe that they save money? You know what they say about the masses...
Dude, seriously. Stop being a fanboy.
You're ruining the reputation of hermits.
I dare you...
Upgrading Graphics card every year makes up for the game price difference.
It all evens out.
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]I dare you...
Upgrading Graphics card every year makes up for the game price difference.
It all evens out.
yeah, except the same people that have the money to upgrade their video card every year are the same ones that can afford a console in Europe. Either way it's a bit more expensive than what the average person is willing to pay.
Life is no community welfare association. If you have the money, you can buy stuff ... if not you cant. Its this easy :)
Actually consoles arent as cheap as in USA, but on the other hand our whole market structure is different. So, who cares.
Btw. anyone ever wondered why "True_gamer" is so totally "non-gamer" like? Seriosly...
Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
And Im the president of the planet...
[QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
You prefer Halo over Counter-Strike? Over Quake? Over Unreal Tournament?
You sir, are on my **** list.
[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
You prefer Halo over Counter-Strike? Over Quake? Over Unreal Tournament?
You sir, are on my **** list.
Put me on that list while you're at it mate, unless I'm already on it.
-Goes back to playing UT3 Beta Demo-
All of the people I know are console gamers and all european, I'm both a console and PC gamer myself.
Yeah all my cousins up there have PS2s and of course PES lol.
I dare you...
I have no idea what your point is? Should I counter your arguement by linking to an American online retailer?
[QUOTE="Ninja-Vox"]I hate the term "european". Its so many countries and cultures and languages; how can you possibly generalise all that under one term? And why is it that it's the only continant which is treated like a nationality? Why do you never hear "people from asia dont like racing games" or "oceania isn't big on shooters."
It makes no sense to me.
I meant a citizen of the European Union that uses the same currency (apart from few exceptions) and has the same market (free movement of goods...)..
So according to you, Norwegians aren't European?
[QUOTE="Thompsonwhore"][QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
You prefer Halo over Counter-Strike? Over Quake? Over Unreal Tournament?
You sir, are on my **** list.
Put me on that list while you're at it mate, unless I'm already on it.
-Goes back to playing UT3 Beta Demo-
The **** list isn't real.
Just another way of calling someone a ****ing ****.
Welcome to the **** list.
[QUOTE="lowe0"][QUOTE="True_Gamer_"]Halo fanboy eh? have you ever played an FPS without autoaim and impaired controller? Thought so...
Hey, it's the "Halo fans must never have played a PC FPS" argument! Man, the classics never die!
I've been playing FPS since Doom, and I prefer console FPS, especially Halo. Find a new argument - yours sucks.
And Im the president of the planet...
Thank God you aren't, because you'd order the death of anyone who didn't worship PC gaming. :|
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