by now I've come to realize that OOT destroys every poll it touches, so lets compare these two gamesIMO the pros and cons of each, these are coming from my point of view so take them with a grain of saltWW's pros: perhaps the best story in the whole entire series, great characters, moving soundtrack, great art directioncons: 3 of the five dungeons are pathetic in terms of puzzles and combat, sailing can become tedious even with the warp song, main quest is to short, and last but not least....the triforce *become Tingle's slave* quest.TP's pros: long main quest, nice dungeon design for the most part *with the exception of the temple of time, that one sucked*, huge over world that isn't as empty as the big blue waste land known great sea, and a nice cinematic flare in it's cutscenes.cons: is some what linear compared to WW and OOT, Story is forgettable *with the exception of Midna's character development*, Sound track is disappointing *with the exeception of a couple of tracks* and difficulty ,while it is a step up from WW, is still pretty easy.
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