@jhonMalcovich said:
@ZombieKiller7 said:
@jhonMalcovich said:
@ZombieKiller7 said:
@jhonMalcovich said:
@ZombieKiller7 said:
So John
Splain to me please
Why would Ubisoft put out a game with features that no known card can max out?
Is it to possibly, oh I dunno, help Nvidia sell the next $1000 video card?
Before the ink on the receipt of your new 780Ti even dries.
Your $2000 PC is now a console - playing games at lower than max settings.
I wasn´t Ubisoft, it was Nividia who did this to promote their latest GPUs. Anyway nobody forces you to run and buy the latest Nvidia´s GPU flagship. Just stick to the recommended settings for your GPU. It´s that simple. And even if you max out you will get stable 30 fps and play the game at better quality than PS4.
Anyway, a wise PC gamer should max out everything at 1080p, as higher AA, for example, is only noticeable at higher than 1080p resolutions, but cause a noticeable performance hit.
So on the one hand you're promoting PC gaming as an "everyman" option for people who maybe have $500 or $700 to spend
And on the other hand you're saying "build a $2000 rig ever 3 years or go the **** home."
Which is it?
I build my recent rig from scratch which is
i5 4770k
for 1100$.
Not even close to 2000$.
Secondly, I promote PC gaming as an "everyman" option for ease of use due to Steam/Origin/Uplay simplicity, cheap games, free online, and games that you keep with every gen.
I own like 250 games on my Steam, Origin, Uplay and Gog accounts. How many games an average console gamer has, like 20, 50 max ?
I don´t promote PC gaming as a cheap option, I always said that one must spend at least 1000$ on PC for the optimal experience.
You realize however that these are not "everyman" options.
Most folks don't have the knowledge, money or spare time to build and maintain a gaming rig.
It's a %1'er hobby and companies like Nvidia push it further in that direction.
Gaming in general is not "everyman" option, as it´s just an expensive hobby, especially if we compare it to mobile/tablet gaming.
So yeh, I think PC gaming is as valid as console gaming. And both of them are minuscule and hard to learn compared to mobile gaming.
So should we always go for the easiest and most affordable option which is mobile gaming, or should we seek a better quality ?
Shoud console gaming have an upper hand just for being easy and dumbed down ?
I am a gamer, it´s my hobby, and I seek a better experience first, and check the price second. So i don´t see why PC should not be "everyman" option inside a dedicated gaming community, which is SW of Gamespot, among people that have been arround for years.
Gaming is very much an "everyman" option, even Obama knows what a Wii is or what an Xbox is.
No one knows wtf a gtx780 is, try it sometime, walk into a garage or hair dresser and say you just bought a gtx780, watch the stares you get.
It's like you're not even part of everyday society, you're from another planet.
Everything has a cost/benefit
Should I get card X or card Y? One is more expensive, is the performance worth it?
By your logic nobody should game on anything except a gtx780 or better.
Ubisoft and Nvidia in one fell swoop have turned lower-rung PC gamers into peasants.
People who paid $700 or $1000 or even $2000 3-4 years ago to build a rig or run this game on cheaper cards, will be getting the console experience.
You remember the thread about "The only benefit of PC gaming is better graphics?"
People like you prove that stereotype correct, in that you're not only willing to diss the hardware in consoles (only on the basis of pixels) but also indirectly shitting on PC gamers with lower hardware.
But I guess that's par for the course for PC Gamers, the lot of them seem to be elitist dicks.
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