this is a good first step to showing Suda 51 that we actually do like his games!
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I believe is also sold out until January 31st.
EDIT: Well they were sold out the week it came out. Now they're back in stock. My bad.
selling out means nothing without knowing how many there were to begin with.
and yes its the same for everything, not just this
they are holding back copies to build hypemingo123
What hype? They don't even advertise the game.. The only thing I can see is XPlay showing the game and giving it a 5/5 which most likely attracted some sales, Besides that the only people who really know about this game are those who visit websites like GS.
[QUOTE="mingo123"]they are holding back copies to build hypeX_Evo
What hype? They don't even advertise the game.. The only thing I can see is XPlay showing the game and giving it a 5/5 which most likely attracted some sales, Besides that the only people who really know about this game are those who visit websites like GS.
[QUOTE="X_Evo"][QUOTE="mingo123"]they are holding back copies to build hypemingo123
What hype? They don't even advertise the game.. The only thing I can see is XPlay showing the game and giving it a 5/5 which most likely attracted some sales, Besides that the only people who really know about this game are those who visit websites like GS.
That is what I believe .. Ubisoft must of saw the sales in Japan and said meh this wont sell here lets not even try now look.
[QUOTE="mingo123"][QUOTE="X_Evo"][QUOTE="mingo123"]they are holding back copies to build hypeX_Evo
What hype? They don't even advertise the game.. The only thing I can see is XPlay showing the game and giving it a 5/5 which most likely attracted some sales, Besides that the only people who really know about this game are those who visit websites like GS.
That is what I believe .. Ubisoft must of saw the sales in Japan and said meh .. they wont sell here lets not even try.. now look.
they still had to have made at least 100,000 if not 200,000 copies just based on making profit........How many copies they made would be what they needed to turn a profit. It is only if the first copies do not sell do they not make any money.
Not every game has to sell a million to make money...
[QUOTE="X_Evo"][QUOTE="mingo123"]they are holding back copies to build hypemingo123
What hype? They don't even advertise the game.. The only thing I can see is XPlay showing the game and giving it a 5/5 which most likely attracted some sales, Besides that the only people who really know about this game are those who visit websites like GS.
Yeah. God forbid you even consider it is selling well and in high demand. It's either 'building hype' or very few copies made. It could NEVER EVER just be selling well, could it?
selling out means nothing without knowing how many there were to begin with.
and yes its the same for everything, not just this
It does mean the game doesn't sell worse then expected.. That is a positive thing...
Numbers sold are relative too expactations, so numbers doesn't means less then that the game didn't do worse then expected.. If halo 3 sold 1 million at launch that would be bad.. If No more heroes sold 1 million at launch that would be frakin amazing..
Numbers are all but irrelevant when showing positive and negative sides of things..
[QUOTE="warmaster670"]selling out means nothing without knowing how many there were to begin with.
and yes its the same for everything, not just this
It does mean the game doesn't sell worse then expected.. That is a positive thing...
Numbers sold are relative too expactations, so numbers doesn't means less then that the game didn't do worse then expected.. If halo 3 sold 1 million at launch that would be bad.. If No more heroes sold 1 million at launch that would be frakin amazing..
Numbers are all but irrelevant when showing positive and negative sides of things..
Halo only sold like 2.34 million at launch. Not saying thats a bad number, but people were blinding by the LAWL 176MILLION REVENUE.That's good, I would love it if niche, wierd titles like Trauma Center, No More Heroes, and Zack & Wiki become common-place on the Wii. Honestly, I'd rather have that then the glut of mediocre shooters on the HD systems (i.e. Blacksite: Area 51, Timeshift, Soldier of Fortune: Payback, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Shadowrun, Call of Juarez, etc.).
I love how I get niche titles on the Wii. Best part of the system.
I was hyped for no more heroes but I can't find a copy anywhere.
Luckily burnout paradise is A LOT better than I thought it would be so that should hold me over.
selling out means nothing without knowing how many there were to begin with.
and yes its the same for everything, not just this
I would agree with you if the sheep were assuming this meant millions of copies have been sold.
However I disagree that it means nothing, as with games, they print only as many as they think there will be demand for. The fact that the game is selling out (in certain places anyway) shows that demand has been higher than expected. That is surely a good thing.
That's good, I would love it if niche, wierd titles like Trauma Center, No More Heroes, and Zack & Wiki become common-place on the Wii. Honestly, I'd rather have that then the glut of mediocre shooters on the HD systems (i.e. Blacksite: Area 51, Timeshift, Soldier of Fortune: Payback, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Shadowrun, Call of Juarez, etc.).
SO what console are you talking about? I would love to know....
The only question is if it changes Suda's hate for the Wii market.ArcticSnake
I think he was talking about the gamers in Japan, but I might be wrong.
[QUOTE="ArcticSnake"]The only question is if it changes Suda's hate for the Wii market.Mercenary848
I think he was talking about the gamers in Japan, but I might be wrong.
Rather, he is talking about how he dislikes that Nintendo games are the only games that seem to sell well and he gets on about this whole "hardcore/casual" thing.
I doubt too many copies were shipped. nintendofreak_2
Selling more then expected is also good... even if it's only 5 copies...
[QUOTE="warmaster670"]selling out means nothing without knowing how many there were to begin with.
and yes its the same for everything, not just this
I would agree with you if the sheep were assuming this meant millions of copies have been sold.
However I disagree that it means nothing, as with games, they print only as many as they think there will be demand for. The fact that the game is selling out (in certain places anyway) shows that demand has been higher than expected. That is surely a good thing.
I don't see anyone saying Millions sold... other then that yes.
Now there really are No More Heroes.:PGreyhound222
ROFLMAO omg that was the funniest thing I read all day, so lame, yet so brillant ^_^
After the dismal sales in Japan, they must not have expected a lot of demand and not manufactured alot of copies.whocares4peace
let's hope that this doesn't cripple nmh's sales. I mean, the game is hot now, but if it takes weeks to make the extra copies then they might miss out on a lot of potential sales.
I think that the same thing happened to zack and wiki. I could not find the game anywhere, nobody had any copies for weeks and weeks, and surprise surprise. Bad sales
[QUOTE="Zerostatic0"]That's good, I would love it if niche, wierd titles like Trauma Center, No More Heroes, and Zack & Wiki become common-place on the Wii. Honestly, I'd rather have that then the glut of mediocre shooters on the HD systems (i.e. Blacksite: Area 51, Timeshift, Soldier of Fortune: Payback, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Shadowrun, Call of Juarez, etc.).
SO what console are you talking about? I would love to know....
huh? Let me clarify. All 3 systems have their big titles (Nintendo has their first party games like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Twilght Princess, Super Smash Brothers, etc. and the HD systems, PS3/360 have their big titles which are usually the 3rd Party stuff with one or two first party games as well such as Call of Duty 4, Orange Box, Mass Effect, Uncharted, etc.). It seems that after the cream of the crop Wii titles (which are the Nintendo first party games) developers are filling the gap for core gamers with wierd niche titles such as Trauma Center, No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, Elebits, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronciles, Harvey Birdman, Ghost Squad, etc. On the HD systems like the 360 and PS3 it seems that after the big top calibur titles, they are filling the gaps for those system's core gamers with a lot of average FPS's (i.e. Shadowrun, Call of Juarez, Blacksite: Area 51, Timeshift, Soldier of Fortune: Payback, Medal of Honor: Airborne, etc.). I personally would prefer titles like Trauma Center and No More Heroes over games like Shadowrun and Timeshift.What about Canada? We haven't got the game yet.lycrofCanada Wii's can play the same games as the US Wii's right? If so, why don't you just get it off ebay or amazon.
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