The new trailer looks down graded thanks to the 360.. this is not me... Rock Star been saying it too back then but in kind words.
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The new trailer looks down graded thanks to the 360.. this is not me... Rock Star been saying it too back then but in kind words.
Well guess what, I can pull facts out of my ass also. The new trailer looks down graded thanks to the PS3.. this is not me... Rock Star been saying it too back then but in kind words. \Thread.
Link it or it didn't happen, and don't forget... Teh cell Iz God!!!!1!1!!one!!!!1!!!!
The new trailer looks fine, better than the previous ones.
Where do you see any indication of a downgrade?
... what an amazing source you have. :P
Seriously man -- show us the link, and I might just believe you. But for now... just no. You have no right what-so-ever to insult the 360 just because you're pissed over how GTA might look terrible. Maybe if the PS3 had sold more, it wouldn't have to be that way? But, the system had to suck, so...
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
If anything was downgraded it was graphics because of PS3's weaker GPU.The new trailer looks down graded thanks to the 360.. this is not me... Rock Star been saying it too back then but in kind words.
The new trailer looks down graded thanks to the 360.. this is not me... Rock Star been saying it too back then but in kind words.
That's old news. I think Rockstar is going to make it so you have to have a HDD to play the game. That would be the smart thing to do. Not sure why M$ hasn't madeall their system with a HDD standard. That was one of the dumbest moves they made when they released the Core. Most people who bought the Core got the HDD anyways, so Rockstar should just make the game with HDD as a standard.
Rockstar has been hinting at this for a long time. It's why they're working on LA Noire and another new franchise exclusively for the PS3. They're giving Microsoft the finger for holding next-gen GTA back.Jared2720
Last generation, wasn't the PS2 holding the GTA games back? It was the weakest of the systems...
nice, you found an old article from an interview in playstation magazine :roll:
And it probably won't be downgraded because they can make it HD required.
[QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
they have the same amount of ram plus ps3 ram has a way high clock speed
That link doesn't say anything about the graphics being limited because of the 360. It could mean anything. Game size, amount of cars, the amount of people on the street at one time, it says nothing.BIG FAT LINK
Good job falling for the BS headline and completely omitting that the article mentioned that the PS3 has it's limitations also.
You get the slow clap for this great thread.
[QUOTE="TheSystemLord1"][QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
they have the same amount of ram plus ps3 ram has a way high clock speed
Ok? Apparently you are new to the PS3, care to explain why ports on it suck? And why every single one of them has framerate issues compared to the 360 counterpart?
[QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
nice, you found an old article from an interview in playstation magazine :roll:
And it probably won't be downgraded because they can make it HD required.
[QUOTE="iamanoobkillme"][QUOTE="TheSystemLord1"][QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
they have the same amount of ram plus ps3 ram has a way high clock speed
Ok? Apparently you are new to the PS3, care to explain why ports on it suck? And why every single one of them has framerate issues compared to the 360 counterpart?
[QUOTE="Jared2720"]Rockstar has been hinting at this for a long time. It's why they're working on LA Noire and another new franchise exclusively for the PS3. They're giving Microsoft the finger for holding next-gen GTA back.buuzer0
Last generation, wasn't the PS2 holding the GTA games back? It was the weakest of the systems...
Are you really comparing the development potential of a Core 360 (no HDD and DVD9) to any PS3 SKU (Universal HDD and Blu-ray)? The PS3 has more potential in contrast to the Core 360. That's just a fact. Rockstar knew it.
Developers may say that the PS3's architecture is difficult to understand compared to the 360, but this is only because it's new. Several talented developers (Naughty Dog, Infinity Ward, Insomniac) have actually stated that they enjoyed working with the PS3. I'm inclined to believe that those who bash the PS3 just aren't that talented. Rockstar is a talented developer. The PS3, compared to the Core 360, has much more potential.
Space bars rock.
[QUOTE="TheSystemLord1"][QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
they have the same amount of ram plus ps3 ram has a way high clock speed
nope they don't because the PS3 OS uses roughly 90 mb of RAM where X360 uses 30 mb. Thats about 10% more availalbe RAM for X360 that is taking into account the developer knows how to effectively access the 256mb of RAM attached to the CEll without latency issues.[QUOTE="rexoverbey"]The only downgraded version will be the PS3 version with no extra content UGH.RotaryRX7
We get content too, sir. It's already on the Blu-Ray disc, unlike you who has to pay for extra. :lol:
[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]Sigh... cows.
Anyway, what's Rockstars problem?
All they have to do is put a giant icon on the boxart of the 360 version that says 'HARD DRIVE REQUIRED'.Not that hard.
You = Don't understand Politics.
Agreed. I believe Rockstar wanted to do this from the beginning and Microsoft said, "Umm... no."
Is this your argument? Have you played it? Apparently not.
[QUOTE="buuzer0"][QUOTE="Jared2720"]Rockstar has been hinting at this for a long time. It's why they're working on LA Noire and another new franchise exclusively for the PS3. They're giving Microsoft the finger for holding next-gen GTA back.Jared2720
Last generation, wasn't the PS2 holding the GTA games back? It was the weakest of the systems...
Are you really comparing the development potential of a Core 360 (no HDD and DVD9) to any PS3 SKU (Universal HDD and Blu-ray)? The PS3 has more potential in contrast to the Core 360. That's just a fact. Rockstar knew it.
Developers may say that the PS3's architecture is difficult to understand compared to the 360, but this is only because it's new. Several talented developers (Naughty Dog, Infinity Ward, Insomniac) have actually stated that they enjoyed working with the PS3. I'm inclined to believe that those who bash the PS3 just aren't that talented. Rockstar is a talented developer. The PS3, compared to the Core 360, has much more potential.
Gabe Newell of Valve and John Carmack of IDnot talented..........LOL. Folks we have a winner for dumb comment of the year.[QUOTE="aka_aj03"]BIG FAT LINK
Your "BIG FAT LINK" also says the PS3 has numerous problems that cause headaches as well. So the graphics were downgraded because of the 360...well you know what I think? I think that the framerate studders and chops because the PS3 doesn't have nearly enough RAM for a game of this size, and Oblivion agrees with me.
No it doesn't what the guy meant by 'both have enomous challenges' is only the 360 is haivng challenges and the PS3 one is done, butBill Gatesbroke in to Rockstars offices and stole all the PS3 data. Man that Gates is an evil guy :D
[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]Sigh... cows.
Anyway, what's Rockstars problem?
All they have to do is put a giant icon on the boxart of the 360 version that says 'HARD DRIVE REQUIRED'.Not that hard.
You = Don't understand Politics.
Maybe I don't.
What I understand even less is how anyone could buy a core 360, lol.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="RotaryRX7"][QUOTE="rexoverbey"]The only downgraded version will be the PS3 version with no extra content UGH.RotaryRX7
We get content too, sir. It's already on the Blu-Ray disc, unlike you who has to pay for extra. :lol:
I know this, I was justtrying to irritate him due tohis statement which is quite the opposite according to the article.
Fact of the matter is this: People buy GTA to roam around and have fun in afree world environment.Mostly casuals too.A lot of casuals don't even play the story! Therefore, the360's "exclusive content" is a joke that only hardcore fanboys will likeso they can get achievements and brag to other nerds out there.
Um, I don't play for achievements and I'll be sure to buy the expansion packs....
[QUOTE="RotaryRX7"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="RotaryRX7"][QUOTE="rexoverbey"]The only downgraded version will be the PS3 version with no extra content UGH.BioShockOwnz
We get content too, sir. It's already on the Blu-Ray disc, unlike you who has to pay for extra. :lol:
I know this, I was justtrying to irritate him due tohis statement which is quite the opposite according to the article.
Fact of the matter is this: People buy GTA to roam around and have fun in afree world environment.Mostly casuals too.A lot of casuals don't even play the story! Therefore, the360's "exclusive content" is a joke that only hardcore fanboys will likeso they can get achievements and brag to other nerds out there.
Um, I don't play for achievements and I'll be sure to buy the expansion packs....
You represent 1% of the Xbox community.
I know this, I was just trying to irritate him due to his statement which is quite the opposite according to the article.
Fact of the matter is this: People buy GTA to roam around and have fun in a free world environment. Mostly casuals too. A lot of casuals don't even play the story! Therefore, the 360's "exclusive content" is a joke that only hardcore fanboys will like so they can get achievements and brag to other nerds out there.
The hell? The content is actual missions and stories. The game will have 1000 achievement points just like every other game...maybe 1250 if they add it to the bonus content.
BTW, Home should be here before the release of GTA 4. I guess hardcore nerds and losers get achievements, but only cool gamers go for trophies..
I don't think it's fair to compare studios that have been working exclusively with PS3 dev kits for 2-3 years with the majority of game studios. It's not like you can suddenly devote all your resources to one without some major blowback.
As for the article, this was news back in Aay. So its almost half a year old now. If I remember correctly the article was published on OPM (Original Playstation Magazine, right?). The interviewer asked a very loaded question, pretty much intentionally assuring a quote which has been very effective (its still going strong, 6 months later, lol!).
The interviwer asked "does the lack of a standard HD make the xbox 360 difficult to program for?" Of course the honest reply is, "yes" because obviously not having a HD to cache to (if you have a core, all games still cache to xbox 360s with HDs) makes things trickier. You're going to have to use compression techniques and the likes. Of course it's also very interesting to note that even though the question said nothing about the PS3, it was noted that they are both difficult in their own ways.
Seems to me like the most likely reason for any delay is being caused by the PS3. RS has more experience with the Xbox 360... heck the game was even slated for an October release for 07. We probably could have been playing GTA right now if they didn't have to build a completely seperate game that looks and plays the same as what they were designing for the 360. It's pretty obvious that any game like this is going to need to be designed differently for both consoles.
[QUOTE="aka_aj03"]That link doesn't say anything about the graphics being limited because of the 360. It could mean anything. Game size, amount of cars, the amount of people on the street at one time, it says nothing.BIG FAT LINK
Good job falling for the BS headline and completely omitting that the article mentioned that the PS3 has it's limitations also.
You get the slow clap for this great thread.
Wouldn't all those things you list fall under the category of "graphics"?
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