@no-scope-AK47 said:
@cainetao11 said:
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
The ps3 is a great blu-ray player and multimedia device with much better 1st party games. Oh the online was also free also vs 60 bucks for the 360. Eventually the minor gap was closed and now the multiplats are the same on both consoles. The gap between the ps4 will most likely get bigger and when Naughty Gods drop their game it should destroy what little faith Lems have in the xflop.
We know the ps4 with have better 1st party support and it cheaperand more powerful and the onlie cost less with free games. Just accept it wooooo saaaaaa.
Opinion and I thought cows only wanted a games machine, not a multimedia console? Isn't that what cows are saying right now?
Oh the online was sht and not worth 5 cents much less 50-60 dollars.
Eventually, as in 7 years later? Umm ok I guess that $600 price tag was worth it then. Can't be parity 7 years down the road now can we.
Why would the gap get bigger? Wouldn't it stand to reason that the XOne will ALSO get better with time? Isn't the XOne harder to program as well as the drivers being a bit behind? Sounds to me like the XOne will get better about the same rate the PS4 does. I expect the gap to stay the same if nt get a tad bit closer.
Better 1st party support is yet to be seen this gen. Let's not go jumping to conclusions only 2 months into this gen.
It's cheaper for the moment but just like Sony did the PS3, the XOne price will drop. The only question is how long will it take.
"free" games for a fee? Not sure how the games are "free" when you're paying a fee for them. LIve aslo give "free" games but unlike Sony's PS+, you actually get to keep these games even if you cancel your sub. You should really stop using the term "free" when it's not.
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