Funny, last gen the human eye wasn't able to see past 28 fps according to consolites.
I guess humans evolved in a few years.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
lemmings started hiding behind pc's i see lol
raise the white flags lads raise them
bbbut the pc
Or we just want the best version on PC
lol the butthurt hermits
Wait, he implies that people who say PC must be butthurt lemmings hiding behind PC, and somehow I'm the butthurt one? Do you ever make sense el tormo?
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
@Tighaman: man this fps thing is really getting you x1 fans. How about you guys calm down a little before you run in these threads foaming at the mouth
Bold statement there. I bet no one expected Beyond Two Souls to score AAA on here. You never know what will happen.
Earlier today it was confirmed that Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at 60 fps on the PlayStation 4 whereas the frame rate on the Xbox One is still unconfirmed. However various sources believe that the Xbox One version will run at 30 fps. According to industry insider Ahsan Rasheed this trend will continue on future multiplatform games like Watch_Dogs.
uhh ohh shitstorm incoming ?
No one listens to Ahsan Rasheed anymore because he a troll for Sony. I'll probably get the PS4 version anyways. That trend will change once devs start using the newer firmware and drivers Microsoft will be releasing within the next month.
framerate isn't a concern if it still achieves a consistently smooth framerate, Battlefield 4 runs smooth despite having a varied framerate because though the frame rate fluctuates under 60fps it doesn't really dip that far enough that it's stressed and noticeable, and the PS4 seems to achieve it's consistently smooth 1080p 60fps through an image dulling anti-aliasing effect that over-softens/flattens textures
Lems, please understand.
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
Wait, he implies that people who say PC must be butthurt lemmings hiding behind PC, and somehow I'm the butthurt one? Do you ever make sense el tormo?
No basically you are a soul less troll,that just starve for attention...hahaha
Get me a PC with the power of the PS4 for $399 i am still waiting on it,oh and windows count and it has to be new parts nothing of i have things and i will re use it,because that doesn't apply to any new costumer who doesn't own it.,just to you..
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
wait till digital foundry gets a hold of it. They said the same thing about BF4, Killzone and COD. lol@my butthurt btw. I've already played and beaten the game at 60fps with not a single dip in frames. What do I have to be butthurt about. You just mad you can't afford a real gaming experience so you settle with your budget console. I'm happy for you but jealous I am not.
Earlier today it was confirmed that Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will run at 60 fps on the PlayStation 4 whereas the frame rate on the Xbox One is still unconfirmed. However various sources believe that the Xbox One version will run at 30 fps. According to industry insider Ahsan Rasheed this trend will continue on future multiplatform games like Watch_Dogs.
uhh ohh shitstorm incoming ?
No one listens to Ahsan Rasheed anymore because he a troll for Sony. I'll probably get the PS4 version anyways. That trend will change once devs start using the newer firmware and drivers Microsoft will be releasing within the next month.
So Xflop multiplats will become better or equal to PS4 versions? Is that your spin lemming?
Wait, he implies that people who say PC must be butthurt lemmings hiding behind PC, and somehow I'm the butthurt one? Do you ever make sense el tormo?
No basically you are a soul less troll,that just starve for attention...hahaha
Get me a PC with the power of the PS4 for $399 i am still waiting on it,oh and windows count and it has to be new parts nothing of i have things and i will re use it,because that doesn't apply to any new costumer who doesn't own it.,just to you..
"No basically you are a soul less troll,that just starve for attention"--you just described yourself
"Get me a PC with the power of the PS4 for $399"
Why should I? Find me a console that can do all the things my PC can just as well
@blackace: lol...firmware and drivers...the delusion here is strong. I hope you are doing ok man
Microsoft already confirmed it. lol!! They have several updates between now and the E3.
Yeah, I'm fine. We'll see how delusion people are at this years E3. lol!!
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
wait till digital foundry gets a hold of it. They said the same thing about BF4, Killzone and COD. lol@my butthurt btw. I've already played and beaten the game at 60fps with not a single dip in frames. What do I have to be butthurt about. You just mad you can't afford a real gaming experience so you settle with your budget console. I'm happy for you but jealous I am not.
You are damage controlling you idiot lemming.
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
wait till digital foundry gets a hold of it. They said the same thing about BF4, Killzone and COD. lol@my butthurt btw. I've already played and beaten the game at 60fps with not a single dip in frames. What do I have to be butthurt about. You just mad you can't afford a real gaming experience so you settle with your budget console. I'm happy for you but jealous I am not.
You are damage controlling you idiot lemming.
you are in denial mad cow. Can't face reality. I don't even own an xbone nor do I want one. But sure I'm a lemming. Cows call anyone who tells them the truth a lemming these days.
@blackace: dude that link is about updates for social features and game streaming. When are you going to realize that multiplats are worse because the x1 has weaker hardware and there is nothing outside of releasing a new console that will fix the problem
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
wait till digital foundry gets a hold of it. They said the same thing about BF4, Killzone and COD. lol@my butthurt btw. I've already played and beaten the game at 60fps with not a single dip in frames. What do I have to be butthurt about. You just mad you can't afford a real gaming experience so you settle with your budget console. I'm happy for you but jealous I am not.
You are damage controlling you idiot lemming.
you are in denial mad cow. Can't face reality. I don't even own an xbone nor do I want one. But sure I'm a lemming. Cows call anyone who tells them the truth a lemming these days.
You don't have any truths. You just said wait and see....that is damage control. We have been waiting and seeing PS4 own Xflop since February. PC version has nothing to do with this. Maybe you are butthurt that no one cares about PC gaming.
"No basically you are a soul less troll,that just starve for attention"--you just described yourself
"Get me a PC with the power of the PS4 for $399"
Why should I? Find me a console that can do all the things my PC can just as well
Oh if the PS4 could install windows it would do all of the is basically a PC and you know
So yeah i would wait until you find that PC power is irrelevant when it comes to PC vs consoles,the PS4 could have a R290 and by next year it would be out power already,just like the xbox 360 was,but there is a price to pay which we don't and we don't worry if the game will run or not on 7 years old hardware it will period...
My money is on it not being locked at 60fps. Expect 60fps when nothing is going on but it will dip just like every other game that claims 60fps this gen. The only game I have seen with a rock solid steady 60fps is Forza 5. Games like BF4, Killzone, COD, ALL dip to as low as even the 20s and average in the low to mid 50s in real life performance. If you want a rock solid 60fps with no dips what so ever you will need to be playing on PC. These consoles aren't strong enough to run games at the graphical fidelity you guys want for nextgen at a rock solid 60fps.
Nope they already said it holds up well in intense sections. At worse you might see drop to low 50s. Xflop hovers around 30fps and has a short peak of 45fps that only happens when you stare at the sky. Your butthurt may resume.
wait till digital foundry gets a hold of it. They said the same thing about BF4, Killzone and COD. lol@my butthurt btw. I've already played and beaten the game at 60fps with not a single dip in frames. What do I have to be butthurt about. You just mad you can't afford a real gaming experience so you settle with your budget console. I'm happy for you but jealous I am not.
You are damage controlling you idiot lemming.
you are in denial mad cow. Can't face reality. I don't even own an xbone nor do I want one. But sure I'm a lemming. Cows call anyone who tells them the truth a lemming these days.
You don't have any truths. You just said wait and see....that is damage control. We have been waiting and seeing PS4 own Xflop since February. PC version has nothing to do with this. Maybe you are butthurt that no one cares about PC gaming.
I don't give a **** about the PS4 owning the xflop, xbone, xboxdone or whatever silly name you want to call the stupid console. Fact is this:
Killzon Shadowfall claimed 60fps. Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
BF4 claimed 60fps (i'm talking both consoles here btw). Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
COD claimed 60fps and again proven wrong on Digital Foundry.
These consoles are not going to produce a rock solid 60 fps with no dips at the "next gen" graphical fidelity that people want. Until they do that I'm standing by my statement. You hoping that Tomb Raider some how achieves this is the real damage control. They would be better off doing what Black Flag did. Lock it at 30fps and let it shine.
"No basically you are a soul less troll,that just starve for attention"--you just described yourself
"Get me a PC with the power of the PS4 for $399"
Why should I? Find me a console that can do all the things my PC can just as well
Oh if the PS4 could install windows it would do all of the is basically a PC and you know
So yeah i would wait until you find that PC power is irrelevant when it comes to PC vs consoles,the PS4 could have a R290 and by next year it would be out power already,just like the xbox 360 was,but there is a price to pay which we don't and we don't worry if the game will run or not on 7 years old hardware it will period...
Um no i don't know that because it is not possible to install windows on the PS4 atm
And that last part is becoming less and less true
here is the secret to unlock the Cloud on Xbox One
2 Eggs
1 jar of strawberry jam
4 different kind of yogurts
2 sharks fin
2 pigs tongue
half kilo of marsh mallows
2 cheese burgers from Mcdonalds
1 glass of vodka
then put it in a blender, blend for 5 minutes then pour it inside your Xbox One, then you will unlock the super power of the cloud. you will be able to play games on 60fps and 1080p
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
The ps3 is a great blu-ray player and multimedia device with much better 1st party games. Oh the online was also free also vs 60 bucks for the 360. Eventually the minor gap was closed and now the multiplats are the same on both consoles. The gap between the ps4 will most likely get bigger and when Naughty Gods drop their game it should destroy what little faith Lems have in the xflop.
We know the ps4 with have better 1st party support and it cheaper and more powerful and the onlie cost less with free games. Just accept it wooooo saaaaaa.
Wow, you really have an agenda don't you? Missed the point and tone of the post. Fact is the people who buy the X1, and people will buy it, are still going to buy multiplats for it and enjoy playing them. That was the point. I will own both I always do, and play what I want, on what I want, and not slurp corporation pole like some people seem to
Telling the truth is agenda now your clearly the 1 with an agenda here. Your clearly trying to put the x1 and ps4 on equal footing when even a blind man can see the truth here. I get it you paid money for your xflop and your going to defend it rodger that.
How did he do that? Where did he ever claim anything close to your assumption?
@blackace: lol...firmware and drivers...the delusion here is strong. I hope you are doing ok man
Microsoft already confirmed it. lol!! They have several updates between now and the E3.
Yeah, I'm fine. We'll see how delusion people are at this years E3. lol!!
So now we have to wait until E3 so that MS deliver its ultimate driver that increase performance 1000%...
Why isn't easier for you to believe that the xbox one is one weak sauce hardware that is more expensive,i think that if you admit it,you can move on and accept at last the truth.
That you are a blind biased lemming with a huge bias in favor of MS...
I don't give a **** about the PS4 owning the xflop, xbone, xboxdone or whatever silly name you want to call the stupid console. Fact is this:
Killzon Shadowfall claimed 60fps. Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
BF4 claimed 60fps (i'm talking both consoles here btw). Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
COD claimed 60fps and again proven wrong on Digital Foundry.
These consoles are not going to produce a rock solid 60 fps with no dips at the "next gen" graphical fidelity that people want. Until they do that I'm standing by my statement. You hoping that Tomb Raider some how achieves this is the real damage control. They would be better off doing what Black Flag did. Lock it at 30fps and let it shine.
Aren't you the same hypocrite that try to pretend that 720p vs 1080p on consoles wasn't important.? Because i remember well quoting you,so resolution matter only on PC with small monitors...
Funny most PC can't even run BF4 at 900P like the PS4 but you always forget that.
By steam most gamers have low ass Intel integrated crap,which will not run BF4 on 900p like the PS4 does or even close,fact is you need a more expensive than PS4 hardware to run BF4 at 60 FPS period...
Hell BF4 on PC on 1680x1050 on Ultra can't run at 60 FPS,unless your on a titan or abode,and 1680x1050 is lower than 1080p,the 7850 get 32 FPS and the 7870 39FPS,so you see why the game doesn't run at 60 FPS on PS4 even while been 900p.
And Ghost even had problems on PC which is a joke considering how silly it looks so blame Activision,and Killzone SF did a good job,by the way PC have way more variable frames than consoles.
@blackace: lol...firmware and drivers...the delusion here is strong. I hope you are doing ok man
Microsoft already confirmed it. lol!! They have several updates between now and the E3.
Yeah, I'm fine. We'll see how delusion people are at this years E3. lol!!
So now we have to wait until E3 so that MS deliver its ultimate driver that increase performance 1000%...
Why isn't easier for you to believe that the xbox one is one weak sauce hardware that is more expensive,i think that if you admit it,you can move on and accept at last the truth.
That you are a blind biased lemming with a huge bias in favor of MS...
I don't give a **** about the PS4 owning the xflop, xbone, xboxdone or whatever silly name you want to call the stupid console. Fact is this:
Killzon Shadowfall claimed 60fps. Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
BF4 claimed 60fps (i'm talking both consoles here btw). Digital Foundry gets it and debunks that BS.
COD claimed 60fps and again proven wrong on Digital Foundry.
These consoles are not going to produce a rock solid 60 fps with no dips at the "next gen" graphical fidelity that people want. Until they do that I'm standing by my statement. You hoping that Tomb Raider some how achieves this is the real damage control. They would be better off doing what Black Flag did. Lock it at 30fps and let it shine.
Aren't you the same hypocrite that try to pretend that 720p vs 1080p on consoles wasn't important.? Because i remember well quoting you,so resolution matter only on PC with small monitors...
Funny most PC can't even run BF4 at 900P like the PS4 but you always forget that.
By steam most gamers have low ass Intel integrated crap,which will not run BF4 on 900p like the PS4 does or even close,fact is you need a more expensive than PS4 hardware to run BF4 at 60 FPS period...
Hell BF4 on PC on 1680x1050 on Ultra can't run at 60 FPS,unless your on a titan or abode,and 1680x1050 is lower than 1080p,the 7850 get 32 FPS and the 7870 39FPS,so you see why the game doesn't run at 60 FPS on PS4 even while been 900p.
And Ghost even had problems on PC which is a joke considering how silly it looks so blame Activision,and Killzone SF did a good job,by the way PC have way more variable frames than consoles.
The **** you talking about kid. Read my post again. Where did I even write the word resolution. Stop talking nonsense.
Funny how all these games are "better on PS4" everywhere and cows use it to boast and gloat. But when a game is even better on PC then it's all discredited or it doesn't matter
What you said is so stupid.
Stop comparing this console related size up to "PC". PC is a generic platform that has no specific standard so of course it doesen't matter.
Closed boxed platforms that have to last an entire generation on the same hardware however are comparible and that is what is being discussed here. Try to stay on topic and stop defelcting.
framerate isn't a concern if it still achieves a consistently smooth framerate, Battlefield 4 runs smooth despite having a varied framerate because though the frame rate fluctuates under 60fps it doesn't really dip that far enough that it's stressed and noticeable, and the PS4 seems to achieve it's consistently smooth 1080p 60fps through an image dulling anti-aliasing effect that over-softens/flattens textures
Lems, please understand.
They sure love their distorted gamma and horrible sharpening upscaling.
Goes great with lower resolution and frame rates, mmm.
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
The ps3 is a great blu-ray player and multimedia device with much better 1st party games. Oh the online was also free also vs 60 bucks for the 360. Eventually the minor gap was closed and now the multiplats are the same on both consoles. The gap between the ps4 will most likely get bigger and when Naughty Gods drop their game it should destroy what little faith Lems have in the xflop.
We know the ps4 with have better 1st party support and it cheaper and more powerful and the onlie cost less with free games. Just accept it wooooo saaaaaa.
Wow, you really have an agenda don't you? Missed the point and tone of the post. Fact is the people who buy the X1, and people will buy it, are still going to buy multiplats for it and enjoy playing them. That was the point. I will own both I always do, and play what I want, on what I want, and not slurp corporation pole like some people seem to
Telling the truth is agenda now your clearly the 1 with an agenda here. Your clearly trying to put the x1 and ps4 on equal footing when even a blind man can see the truth here. I get it you paid money for your xflop and your going to defend it rodger that.
I haven't paid money for either yet. Telling the truth? You stated opinions in some of that fanboy drool fest. You're attacking me for liking xbox consoles as if I don't buy and game on PS as well. Does your weenie look bigger to you now?
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
The ps3 is a great blu-ray player and multimedia device with much better 1st party games. Oh the online was also free also vs 60 bucks for the 360. Eventually the minor gap was closed and now the multiplats are the same on both consoles. The gap between the ps4 will most likely get bigger and when Naughty Gods drop their game it should destroy what little faith Lems have in the xflop.
We know the ps4 with have better 1st party support and it cheaper and more powerful and the onlie cost less with free games. Just accept it wooooo saaaaaa.
Wow, you really have an agenda don't you? Missed the point and tone of the post. Fact is the people who buy the X1, and people will buy it, are still going to buy multiplats for it and enjoy playing them. That was the point. I will own both I always do, and play what I want, on what I want, and not slurp corporation pole like some people seem to
Telling the truth is agenda now your clearly the 1 with an agenda here. Your clearly trying to put the x1 and ps4 on equal footing when even a blind man can see the truth here. I get it you paid money for your xflop and your going to defend it rodger that.
How did he do that? Where did he ever claim anything close to your assumption?
Its amazing how threatened they get if someone likes the X1 as well as the PS4.
@Dreams-Visions: Are those gif's 30 vs 60? or is there anything else on them besides the visuals? I think i see the one on the right move smoother but i think at the same time my eyes are tricking me.. i'm not good at telling frame rates per second i can only tell frame rate skips. The later being annoying.
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
Yeah but the difference there was like GTA4 and if you drove a car at night, in the rain, then power slid around a corner, and frozen the image, then zoomed in you could see the tail light trails were jaggier on the ps3.
The only other times you had problems was when it was the devs fault for designing the game around the 360 which was the weaker and simpler system, then trying to port it to the ps3 which was slightly more powerful and more complicated instead of being smart and doing the reverse process.
Did it stop PS3 owners from buying multiplat games knowing the performed better on 360?
Yeah but the difference there was like GTA4 and if you drove a car at night, in the rain, then power slid around a corner, and frozen the image, then zoomed in you could see the tail light trails were jaggier on the ps3.
The only other times you had problems was when it was the devs fault for designing the game around the 360 which was the weaker and simpler system, then trying to port it to the ps3 which was slightly more powerful and more complicated instead of being smart and doing the reverse process.
Yeah, no. Not always the case. The PS3 wasn't all that much stronger. And people act like the PS4 will be tapped into more as the gen goes on, but the X1 has hit its ceiling 3 months out. There is a difference, but it wont sway many that are already buying an X1. The fact is the libraries will have many of the same games. COD, BF, Madden, Elder Scrolls are playable on both so average joe is content. That's all I was saying with that statement.
Do we have to have a thread on every game that's going to come out? Yes, the PS4 will have better version of games. We get it. Let's move on.
yes we need every single thread for every multiplat game to remind the lemmings that they have been xbowned
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