@princeofshapeir: Popularity isn't always a show of quality. Especially when it comes to the UK. But Bloodborne is fully deserving of its acclaim and popularity.
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@princeofshapeir: Popularity isn't always a show of quality. Especially when it comes to the UK. But Bloodborne is fully deserving of its acclaim and popularity.
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
You just called The Order and the other PS4 exclusives great (Infamous was good), your privileges for speaking have been revoked...
Member Since: March 30, 2015
The Alt's are real.
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
You just called The Order and the other PS4 exclusives great (Infamous was good), your privileges for speaking have been revoked...
Member Since: March 30, 2015
The Alt's are real.
All PS4 games except Knack were great.Only people who have played them can comment.All others have no credible opinion.
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
You just called The Order and the other PS4 exclusives great (Infamous was good), your privileges for speaking have been revoked...
Member Since: March 30, 2015
The Alt's are real.
Its too bad it failed to reach number 1, even despite it being Hardlines second week.
But then the Souls games aren't exactly big sellers. After the hardcore buy it this first week, sales will nosedive.
hmmm i taste salt
He is like a box of crackers.This success is just to much for his brain to handle.
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
You just called The Order and the other PS4 exclusives great (Infamous was good), your privileges for speaking have been revoked...
Member Since: March 30, 2015
The Alt's are real.
All PS4 games except Knack were great.Only people who have played them can comment.All others have no credible opinion.
Considering I own one of the largest console collections on this site I think it's safe to say that I have played all of them and am free to comment as I please.
1.) Driveclub is a nice looking game but very generic/mediocre as far as racers go.
2.) Killzone was a forgetful launch title that was lacking in many regards that the other games did not.
3.) Infamous was an all around quality game, I had no complaints with it.
4.) The Order was pretty but completely lacking in every other regard.
5.) Knack was just a bad game....
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Having beaten BB I can assure you that the backtracking in this game is effectively zero and the 50 hours of playtime are 50 hours of meaningful content. How long did you play the game?
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Having beaten BB I can assure you that the backtracking in this game is effectively zero and the 50 hours of playtime are 50 hours of meaningful content. How long did you play the game?
I managed to get three hours in before I couldn't stand it any longer, I didn't say anything about backtracking, I said it was unnecessarily drawn out which it most certainly is simply by nature, unless of course you're invincible...
Its too bad it failed to reach number 1, even despite it being Hardlines second week.
But then the Souls games aren't exactly big sellers. After the hardcore buy it this first week, sales will nosedive.
hmmm i taste salt
Nope, just discussing cows favourite thing - sales.
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Objectively, the souls games and Bloodborne adhere to principles that make them good games the same way Ghouls 'n' Ghosts was a good game.
When you and people like you make these claims, your criticism speaks more about yourself and less about the game. This is what people are identifying in your 'criticism' of these principles. Just because the game doesn't reward you for holding the controller while the game is on for a certain amount of time does not make it a bad game.
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Objectively, the souls games and Bloodborne adhere to principles that make them good games the same way Ghouls 'n' Ghosts was a good game.
When you and people like you make these claims, your criticism speaks more about yourself and less about the game. This is what people are identifying in your 'criticism' of these principles. Just because the game doesn't reward you for holding the controller while the game is on for a certain amount of time does not make it a bad game.
Completely agree.
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Objectively, the souls games and Bloodborne adhere to principles that make them good games the same way Ghouls 'n' Ghosts was a good game.
When you and people like you make these claims, your criticism speaks more about yourself and less about the game. This is what people are identifying in your 'criticism' of these principles. Just because the game doesn't reward you for holding the controller while the game is on for a certain amount of time does not make it a bad game.
Completely agree.
Souls series are way easier than ghouls 'n' ghosts lol.
I never played demon souls, since i never owned any playstations. I played dark souls and I loved it. The artwork is the best i've ever seen in a game and it creates a certain atmhosphere that I never had in any game before. To me dark souls was better than skyrim. I will never forget how i used the chameleon spell to change into a vase when someone invaded my game, then waited a halfhour till he lost half his energy to local monsters. Then when he passed me I changed back to my normal self and killed him.
The voice message I got afterwards was pure comedy. Never had I owned someone like that and never had I heard someone said the word **** so many times.
For some reason I could never get into dark souls II like I got in dark souls. The atmhosphere and the artwork to me, just isnt as good for some reason. The invading has become something else as well, to me anyway. I also didn't feel like the urge going to the next level anymore and after 20 ish hours of o play , I quit and never went back. I'll try again with the dx11 version. I have to add that I played dark souls 1 on the x360 and 2 on the pc.
Having said all that, I don't know if bloodborne would be able to keep my attention. The monsters look really nice but the atmosphere doesn't really interest me that much. I don't even know if I would buy it if it would release on other platforms.
The way I see it , is that dark souls is a masterpiece and that the other games made by from software try to recreate that but apparently dark souls is one of a kind.
Its too bad it failed to reach number 1, even despite it being Hardlines second week.
But then the Souls games aren't exactly big sellers. After the hardcore buy it this first week, sales will nosedive.
hmmm i taste salt
Nope, just discussing cows favourite thing - sales.
Cows love talking sales and games, cause this gen sony is pounding ms in the pooper on both accounts :( cry more salty
PS4 haters are so butt hurt right now lol.PS4 was already beasting before BB (which is the 7th great PS4 exclusive after The Order 1886) and now BB is killing the charts everywhere. Why be mad? It's a good thing for gaming.
You just called The Order and the other PS4 exclusives great (Infamous was good), your privileges for speaking have been revoked...
Member Since: March 30, 2015
The Alt's are real.
All PS4 games except Knack were great.Only people who have played them can comment.All others have no credible opinion.
Considering I own one of the largest console collections on this site I think it's safe to say that I have played all of them and am free to comment as I please.
1.) Driveclub is a nice looking game but very generic/mediocre as far as racers go.
2.) Killzone was a forgetful launch title that was lacking in many regards that the other games did not.
3.) Infamous was an all around quality game, I had no complaints with it.
4.) The Order was pretty but completely lacking in every other regard.
5.) Knack was just a bad game....
I didn't see you say you owned a PS4....dat misdirection.
Your console collection is irrelevant. You act like you were the first person to play games.
I'm sure theres quite a few ppl on hear that have gamed as long if not longer than you.
Gotta love it. The Bone is such a POS. BloodBorne is a System Seller. It was sold out at my local Future Shop. Cant wait for April Sales. The PS4 is going into Christmas like a machine. Sony needs to announce a price drop for this holiday season to continue its beat down on the XBONED. Burn M$.................BURN.
Grow up. Sheesh!
This is why developers are daft... They could have doubled their profits by releasing it on X1 and PC.
Hope Sony paid them a lot of money.
Sony funded and co developed it. So yeah, money did come out of Sony's pockets. But it wan't a case of simply buying console exclusivity like they did for SFV.
I don't see how they could have doubled their profits considering its outselling DS2. On top of that I bet Sony gave them a cherry licensing fee deal. That said I will likely be buying DS2 again when it comes out for PS4, online should be awesomely busy.
I managed to get three hours in before I couldn't stand it any longer, I didn't say anything about backtracking, I said it was unnecessarily drawn out which it most certainly is simply by nature, unless of course you're invincible...
Whatever cornball looking at the games on your little Steam card thing: hmm Wolfenstein, countersrike... No wonder you didn't like Bloodborne, all you play is are 1990's style generic shooters made for mouth breathers such as yourself.
You're afraid of games like Bloodborne because your intelligence level is too low to play them.
Do you even have a PS4?
41k comments do you have a life? Stop stalking me freak.
So I take it that's a no
Yes I have a PS4. Not gonna wait till the end of the gen like you did with PS3 loser.
Its too bad it failed to reach number 1, even despite it being Hardlines second week.
But then the Souls games aren't exactly big sellers. After the hardcore buy it this first week, sales will nosedive.
hmmm i taste salt
Nope, just discussing cows favourite thing - sales.
Cows love talking sales and games, cause this gen sony is pounding ms in the pooper on both accounts :( cry more salty
Its only taken Sony over a year to get an AAAE, something Xbox One has had since day 1.
LOL keep trying.
I managed to get three hours in before I couldn't stand it any longer, I didn't say anything about backtracking, I said it was unnecessarily drawn out which it most certainly is simply by nature, unless of course you're invincible...
Whatever cornball looking at the games on your little Steam card thing: hmm Wolfenstein, countersrike... No wonder you didn't like Bloodborne, all you play is are 1990's style generic shooters made for mouth breathers such as yourself.
You're afraid of games like Bloodborne because your intelligence level is too low to play them.
What in the hell is that even supposed to mean? How does any of that nonsense make sense in your head? My intelligence level is too low to play a hack and slash single player game with extremely predictable and scripted AI like Bloodborne yet I was playing Counter-Strike at a near top competitive level for years on end with and against other people...
Speaking of lack of intelligence....
@nyadc: People drum these games up because they're good fucking games. If you can't see that you need to git gud.
That's the problem though, they're "good fucking games" to the small percentage of people who find interest in them, not for everyone else and that everyone else outnumbers you guys 100+ to 1. The issue with you people is you attempt to force your ideology on everyone and attempt to convince people who do not feel that way about them that they are this amazing thing. I see an 8 hour hack and slash with almost no substance to it that is unnecessarily drawn out to 50+ hours simply because of the amount of times you die and have to redo things and get stuck at loading screens.
Doesn't sound so amazing from the perspective of someone speaking of the game in a literal sense who also can't find a redeeming quality to the game now does it? Well I'm most certainly not alone.
Objectively, the souls games and Bloodborne adhere to principles that make them good games the same way Ghouls 'n' Ghosts was a good game.
When you and people like you make these claims, your criticism speaks more about yourself and less about the game. This is what people are identifying in your 'criticism' of these principles. Just because the game doesn't reward you for holding the controller while the game is on for a certain amount of time does not make it a bad game.
Completely agree.
Souls series are way easier than ghouls 'n' ghosts lol.
I never played demon souls, since i never owned any playstations. I played dark souls and I loved it. The artwork is the best i've ever seen in a game and it creates a certain atmhosphere that I never had in any game before. To me dark souls was better than skyrim. I will never forget how i used the chameleon spell to change into a vase when someone invaded my game, then waited a halfhour till he lost half his energy to local monsters. Then when he passed me I changed back to my normal self and killed him.
The voice message I got afterwards was pure comedy. Never had I owned someone like that and never had I heard someone said the word **** so many times.
For some reason I could never get into dark souls II like I got in dark souls. The atmhosphere and the artwork to me, just isnt as good for some reason. The invading has become something else as well, to me anyway. I also didn't feel like the urge going to the next level anymore and after 20 ish hours of o play , I quit and never went back. I'll try again with the dx11 version. I have to add that I played dark souls 1 on the x360 and 2 on the pc.
Having said all that, I don't know if bloodborne would be able to keep my attention. The monsters look really nice but the atmosphere doesn't really interest me that much. I don't even know if I would buy it if it would release on other platforms.
The way I see it , is that dark souls is a masterpiece and that the other games made by from software try to recreate that but apparently dark souls is one of a kind.
Of course, souls games and bloodborne are easier than GnG. Difficulty alone isn't even what I was referring to. They still adhere to the principles I mentioned. In fact, Bloodborne has even more influence from arcades in the design e.g. insight is basically rank in a shoot 'em up.
This is another reason why I applaud these games. They bring back mechanics and game design aspects that are tried and successful at introducing a real challenge.
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