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Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
This is official gaming magazine, don't believe the gaming world will follow. Though if this gives AAAA, then the likelihood is most others will give AAA.
It happened to Gears of War (Though OXM UK, same company, only gave Halo 3 a 9/10 O.O)
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
When did MGS4 get 50-60 AAAA reviews ? I must have missed something, i thought has only got 1 (one) for now, and from OPM, not exactly the most important 10/10 if you ask me
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
When did MGS4 get 50-60 AAAA reviews ? I must have missed something, i thought has only got 1 (one) for now, and from OPM, not exactly the most important 10/10 if you ask me
It'll probably get AAA reviews if OPM gave them an AAAA :|
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]the last line in the review made me cry :cry:thrones
I...didn't read it.
I won't read it. In fact I'm going to start avoiding MGS4 news from now on, if only I can resist the temptation.
What did the other ones score ? Can you give us what they scored some of the more popular games over the past few years as well ?[QUOTE="Rhys555"]For the record, snake eater had a 9 from them.Nike_Air
Resistance-7 and GOW2-8. I don't know any more.
mgo po -7Been snooping around the other entries from this magazine:
Snake Eater - 9/10
Jak 3 - 8/10
Resistance: Fall of Man - 7/10
Uncharted - 9/10
Don't mistake this with 'Official Playstation Magazine' entry. This one is 'UK'
Heavenly Sword , Folklore - 7
Call of Duty 4 - 10
Rachet and Clank Fiture , DMC4 , Burnout Paradise , gow 2 , Killzone :shock: - 9
Assassisn Creed , GT5 P , gta III , - 8
All of their 10s for the ps2
Pretty good list of 10s ............. but Black , Timeplitters , Killzone , and Resistance reviews seem a little off or poor to me ....... so I don't think my trust is there regarding that.
Woah , The Getaway a 9 ? European sensibility I guess.
That was actually the most pleasent surprise in this story.Race Driver GRID - 9
Looking good...
I know it's unrelated, but we don't have an OPM thread do we?
On topic, I knew this game would be great. I don't see another AAAA title though, I expect high 9s at most sites. 9.5 here.
this review doesnt mean anythingNSR34GTR
I think they are good reviewers, so far they have only given out 3 10 scores to ps3 titles and those games are all great. GTA4 10, Call of Duty 4 10, and now MGS4 10 which is a score that deserves it, the game is just that good. I told everyone this already, all the haters who talk down on it and say it will bomb will get owned and I guaranteed the first review we get for MGS4 will be AAAA or AAA nothing less. And look what we have here its first review and its a perfect 10. On to the next review and this game is going to rock. I loved MGO beta and miss it already. I cant wait to play this game and finish snakes final mission and go out with a bang and join back with the awesome mgs online community. :)
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
That's not fair at all. You base the MGS review from an Official Magazine, whereas you only allow the 360 to get an AAAA from Gamespot. This is only so far in 2008, many of the best games will come out towards the end of the year anyway so you can judge then.
[QUOTE="thrones"]mgo po -7Been snooping around the other entries from this magazine:
Snake Eater - 9/10
Jak 3 - 8/10
Resistance: Fall of Man - 7/10
Uncharted - 9/10
Don't mistake this with 'Official Playstation Magazine' entry. This one is 'UK'
Heavenly Sword , Folklore - 7
Call of Duty 4 - 10
Rachet and Clank Fiture , DMC4 , Burnout Paradise , gow 2 , Killzone :shock: - 9
Assassisn Creed , GT5 P , gta III , - 8
All of their 10s for the ps2
Pretty good list of 10s ............. but Black , Timeplitters , Killzone , and Resistance reviews seem a little off or poor to me ....... so I don't think my trust is there regarding that.
Woah , The Getaway a 9 ? European sensibility I guess.
Have you ever played timesplitters 2? That was an amazing game. 10 worthy probably not, but def a 9
[QUOTE="Nike_Air"]What did the other ones score ? Can you give us what they scored some of the more popular games over the past few years as well ?[QUOTE="Rhys555"]For the record, snake eater had a 9 from them.DarkCloud79
Resistance-7 and GOW2-8. I don't know any more.
Yeah a very strict reviewing site if u ask me so I think that we can all say that MGS4 did deserve that 10. Quite obvious every game site who had the chance to play and beat it seem to have praised the game soo much I wouldnt be suprised from these high score reviews for mgs4, it really deserves it and is really that good. :)
Big supprise :roll:.
I will wait for IGN or other more neutral reviewers to review it.
I'm anticipating the IGN review the most.
[QUOTE="DarkCloud79"][QUOTE="Nike_Air"]What did the other ones score ? Can you give us what they scored some of the more popular games over the past few years as well ?[QUOTE="Rhys555"]For the record, snake eater had a 9 from them.clintos59
Resistance-7 and GOW2-8. I don't know any more.
Yeah a very strict reviewing site if u ask me so I think that we can all say that MGS4 did deserve that 10. Quite obvious every game site who had the chance to play and beat it seem to have praised the game soo much I wouldnt be suprised from these high score reviews for mgs4, it really deserves it and is really that good. :)
Exactly my point , that one was a little off which should have been an 8 or a 9 (as well as Resistance). Black and Killzone were rated too high.Edit - sorry I quoted the wrong person , this was meant for the poster above.
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
Gamespot reveiwed MGS 4 ????
Becasue it will most likely get a 9 or 9.5 here at GS
[QUOTE="carljohnson3456"]Ah I cant wait for this game!!!
GTA4, MGS4, COD4. Too many 4's, too little time.
Picking up my PS3 tomorrow. Got a great deal PS3 with 9 games and 3 controlers for $550. You got to love craigs list.
Not broken like eBay I hear.[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="carljohnson3456"]Ah I cant wait for this game!!!
GTA4, MGS4, COD4. Too many 4's, too little time.
Picking up my PS3 tomorrow. Got a great deal PS3 with 9 games and 3 controlers for $550. You got to love craigs list.
Not broken like eBay I hear.Well I get to try it out first before I buy it. Craigs list is local people selling unlike ebay.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="carljohnson3456"]Ah I cant wait for this game!!!
GTA4, MGS4, COD4. Too many 4's, too little time.
Picking up my PS3 tomorrow. Got a great deal PS3 with 9 games and 3 controlers for $550. You got to love craigs list.
Not broken like eBay I hear.Well I get to try it out first before I buy it. Craigs list is local people selling unlike ebay.
Yah true, true indeed, better first hand than a transaction with an 'anybody'.[QUOTE="typevuspecII"]Sweeeet.
Xbox 360's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 1 - GTAIV
PS3's list of 10/10 games 2008 = 2 - GTAIV + MGS4
This is official gaming magazine, don't believe the gaming world will follow. Though if this gives AAAA, then the likelihood is most others will give AAA.
It happened to Gears of War (Though OXM UK, same company, only gave Halo 3 a 9/10 O.O)
OXM UK had the fanboy purged in between those two reviews.
I hate single console reviewers. I don't put any stock in them at all. If MGS4 gets 10's from neutral multi-console reviewer outlets, I will be very impressed and based on a bet I made, I will have to ban myself from SW for a month.
Most likely MGS4 will be AAA at the neutral sites.
I could be wrong, but I'm not most of the time. I predicted GTAIV's perfect 10 at this site when people were saying it was impossible for a game this gen to score a 10.
I knew it would happen because: at this site, the past three GTAIV games have gotten 9.6. I knew that with a combination of polish and cinematic merit, GTA would score those extra four points.
I can see MGS4 easily getting better scores than its predecessors, but for it to get the kind of critical response that GTAIV got is very unlikely.
Here at Gamespot and in general, Metal Gear Solid has had shakier critical response than GTA. It has just that much higher to climb as a series. The changes have to be alot less incremental than that of GTAIV.
Expected nothign less. Still some ppl on this website think it will be A-AA lol fanboys..AC-360
On this site it's possible. Two of the MGS games have gotten AA.
If it got an AA, it would be an extremely high AA. Like 8.9.
[QUOTE="AC-360"]Expected nothign less. Still some ppl on this website think it will be A-AA lol fanboys..Tragic_Kingdom7
On this site it's possible. Two of the MGS games have gotten AA.
If it got an AA, it would be an extremely high AA. Like 8.9.
Thought there was no 8.9 on GS :? Anyway, this site is notorious for asscheek reviews but I doubt MGS4 can get anything below AAA on any site.Please Log In to post.
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