@misterpmedia said:
@delta3074 said:
Predictable reply.
Lets apply some context here because I know for some lems it's incredibly difficult. If I was making a game that was going to released on tired 8/9 year old hardware, development environment like trying to fit a fat girl into skinny jeans, and even AFTER the new console had been deployed that november then I'd be surprised it looked the way it did after all of that fact. It was a bad business decision despite the positive in continuing to support the PS3.
MS releases an ANTHOLOGY(not one crap Halo game, you sneaky lem) of broken flagship IP, hell at a stretch even historic games, that are poster children for the entire Xbox business. On top of this, onto their new shiny next gen console to boot! If Sony would have concocted an anthology of all the GTs and they came out half dead I think you'd have more of a point. No-one even remembers GT6 while this is far more out in the open for obvious reasons. MCC > driveclub on the disaster scale, easily. And yes gamers will definitely be wary closer to Halo 5's launch.
and thats the point really isn't it, MCC is as broke as hell but it's a port of old games, not a new one so how have they ruined anything, it doesn't change the scores the original games got in the first place.
Secondly, the MCC collection is running 2 engines at the same time, Halo 5 will not be.
The Irony is that MCC isn't really a disaster for the overall Halo franchise, just like the Last GT wasn't a disaster for the overall franchise.
and thats my point, MCC will do no more damage to the Halo franchise as the last GT games did for the GT franchise, both of them Flagship titles.
One of the reasons they ARE flagship titles is because they are consistently good and people will forgive the Odd mediocre installment.
I will play GT7 but i won't play Halo 5, i love Halo but i really cannot stand the chief anymore and the story lines gone a bit Kojima.
As I said, lems struggle with thinking and applying context.
MCC was like a love letter to all Xbox fans, it is their primary and most important gaming brand, it came stained with shit, and you don't think that'll have any impact on the franchise? Lol, please. First Halo 4, and now this? I'm also not saying no damage was done by GT6 but when you try to level them up to each other MCC is way more of a disaster and comparing it to driveclub is like comparing a mountain to a hill. Just because these games are old and there are some weird design decisions(running two engines at once, why? lol) definitely shouldn't automatically tick on the list of viable excuses.
what do you mean first Halo 4? Halo 4 was neither broken and has an MC rating of 87 and is AAAE here on gamespot, Halo 4 didn't do anything to damage the Halo franchise and saying it did is just plain deluded, Halo 4 was a resounding success.
HALO 4 grossed $220 million on its launch day and $300 million in its opening week. The gross was a new record for the franchise, if thats a disaster than i am the king of kashmir.
Also, it runs 2 engines so you can switch between the old graphics and the new graphics on the fly whilst playing the game,it's not a weird design decision at all/
and no, in my opinion, after weighing it up, Halo MCC is not a bigger disaster than GT6, i guess we just have a different way of looking at things and thats the point really, Halo MCC being a bigger disaster than GT6 really is just your personal opinion and i am afraid that i disagree with that opinion rather strongly.
The point is that you are biased COW which means you will blow everything Bad about MS up to epic proportions, i am not a fanboy so i can be objective about it.
If i was a lem i would be throwing GT6's problems out of proportion and saying it ruined the GT franchise, much the same as what you are saying about MCC and the Halo franchise.
And get down off your high horse, You are a COW which makes you no better than a LEM, both sets of fanboys are equally as stupid in my opinion.
You ain't no better than any other fanboy, deal with it.
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