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What is this a gamers association?.. Hi, I'm a gamer?? Oh than, Hi TC. I'm Oroin and I'm also a gamer, I got a gaming addiction.. J/K I got bored.Oroin
You have to have a card. It's alot of paperwork. It's a union... you have to pay dues, go to meetings, and shake legs behind closed doors. Only then can you say you are a, "GAMER"
Most of the games you listed are multiplat and the 360 is better performance wise than the ps3 so...
For someone who isn't biased towards any system you sure do seem to hold a large grudge towards the 360. And your comment on "I don't know if I'll buy the Wii because I don't know how well it's going to do" is you basically saying that all the nassive amount of sales the Wii has over the 360 and the Ps3 combined is just a fad.
Then you go on to say what every othercow has stated in the past, bassically "PS3 cost $600, Xbox 360 $400 + 236427 years of live makes the PS3 way cheaper!!!!"
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