Oh the irony :lol:
Yea back in 06-07 Definitely!
This is not the past you know! Good luck with your lack of upcoming exclusives! ;)
good luck with your lack of critically acclaimed games and terrible online compared to 360!
sony is in 3rd place in sales and xbox 360 has so unbeliebavly many more critically acclaimed games, so it's game over, sorry.
and lol, no one buys ps 3 games...
Ummm, you DO realize that the PS3 has had more critically acclaimed games in the last two years than the 360 right? :|
Secondly, the sale ratios for the latest multiplatform blockbusters have been higher on the PS3, than the 360... so it's pretty silly to say that PS3'ers don't buy games.
Lastly, I like online on both... so that's probably moreso just fanboyism on your part. In fact, my two favorite online games are PS3 exclusives, so....
Bottom line, Uncharted 2 is looking amazing. Instead of hating b/c it's not on your console, just skip to another thread. There is really nothing for you to hate on... just like when MGS4 came along, even hardcore lems know this is going to be an awesome exlcusive. Better to just ignore it than to bring extra attention to the fact that you won't have it.
um, lol? dont joke please. you're not good at it. the playstation 3 doesnt come close to 360 when it comes to critically acclaimed games. and it's not my fault. if your envious or mad, go and whine at all the professional reviewers, not at me.
and SFIV and RE5 sold more on 360 than PS3. killzone 2 "only" sold 1 million in like over 2 months...
and last, no joke. i am not hating on uncharted 2. i just think it's sad that cows hype it so much and go wild for it "HOLY ****, yuncharted 2BEST graphics, unbeliable!!!" when a game from 2007 trounces it...
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