[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"] Why does everyone seem to think you need to max the game? High settings are enough to make Crysis Warhead look better than any console game. That's bad reasoning, which is why you shouldn't trust 'gaming journalism' to always know what they're talking about and try to use it to back up your claims.
And yeh, let's compared a heavily marketed mainstream title, to a milsim game and one with about zero marketing. Seems fair. Go on any PC forum they're praised for their graphics.
You already have no credibilty for you claiming a car model in STALKER Clear Sky looked N64 level. Anyone with a GTX285 and 6 gigs of ram should know that isn't the case.
I disagree with Crysis on high settings looking better then any console title especially since the console version of Crysis is a mix of medium to very high settings.
Second I could care less how much cread you think I have , you exagerated your claims so I did the same thing , obviously antyhing that comes out today will look far better then the N64 if you take everything I say to serious then that sounds like a personal problem but the fact remains Those games visually are not stunning and certainly not better then any console title and if your excuse is because they are not marketed well then try again. Blazeblue got nominted for best fighting game on almost every website ( have you even heard of the title) It even won on some and Demon Souls won GOTY here on gamespot and yet it is for a very niche market. The reason why nobody talks about those games is because in addition to looking nothign spectacular they were not great games plain and simple.
I've never exaggerated any of my claims, all i've said is that Arma II and Clear Sky have better graphics than any console game, which isn't an exaggeration. Saying the game looks like an N64 game compared to Uncharted 2 is ridiculous, even if you were 'joking', especially when i provided a screen shot that showed a car model with worse textures than the Clear Sky car.
Yeh, i've heard of Blazblue before. And Clear Sky got nominated for atmosphere. Nominations have nothing to do with anything. You're just basing things off how much recognition they get.
BTW, there is no console version of Crysis. There's a tech demo, but that's it.
You posted screenshots that i disagree with and after playing all 3 titles I disagree even more. I question if you even own a PS3 to even make a logcial comparison.
Yes I base things off the awards they win when it comes to comparing certain merits of a game. I could come in here and say Haze was the best FPS ever yet nobody would take me seriously as the entire gaming media would disagree with me. Its the only way to seprate the fanboy babble here in SW and if those games won awards god knows you would be using it against me just like all the hermits did back in 2007 when Crysis swept the visual awardss category on most websites.
Yes there is a tech demo and digtal foundry did a comparison to see what the settings were to compare the pc version . Some of the ones I can remeber were medium textures, high backround geometry and very high lighting.
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