Q: You feel this is the perfect system (PS3) for this game (Uncharted)
Evan Wells: Absolutely, we're leveraging every bit of technology in the PlayStation 3, from the blu-ray drive, I mean our game would just not fit in single DVD, it will have to be in multiple DVD's which isn't the way you want to play games anymore.
I think the PS3 is a unique machine and can't wait to own one. But for me the biggest flaw in the PS3 is the BLU-RAY it has slow read speeds (which can be worked around) but is not needed this gen.
Having that much space is always a bonus to developers but it has impacts as well a) its expensive to smaller developers b) slow speeds c) just not needed.
Yes its great for films/tv shows to maybe added to games and thats a bonus but as a format for games its just not needed.
I think most games can fit onto DVD-9 and tho games like Blue Dragon are on 3 (due to audio/movie sequences) the game could have fit on DVD-9 if they had wanted to. But its easier to put a game on 3 discs and the effect is small changing a disc every 15 hours of play.
Obviously I'd prefer a bigger format but until the speeds increase (1 year away) then its not worth while.
Drake could fit ontoa DVD-9 if the dev time from beginning was making it for DVD-9. But they have BR so might as well use it. But with that they have slow speeds so expect long load times and streaming some of the game from your HDD.
You do have a point but for me you are just obviously trying to bait X360. Which is silly coz Drake could be worked onto 360 from the ground up but maybe not a port. But GEARS could not run on PS3 with out re-working it from the ground up. Compression is getting better all the time and is not even noticable to the trained eye, tho most 14 year old kids think they can tll the differnce on their 20inch bedroom TV (ridiculous)...
Non the less I cant wait for Drakes and hope to have it when I get my PS3 eventually. Its my fav looking PS3 game and reminds me of Flashback/Beyond Good & Evil with a touch of Indiana Jones...canne wait.
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