From the IGN preview:
"While Lara is practically synonymous with vast, labyrinthine levels, Drake's trek from his landing spot to the wreckage of his plane in the early build we played is a strictly linear affair. Hopefully things will open out in later levels but, currently, there's something disappointingly old-school about your progress. Despite, expansive vistas and promise of all manner of explorable nooks and crannies in amongst the gorgeously lush terrain, you're essentially forced along one narrow jungle corridor, with fallen logs and boulders determined to spoil your fun."
I don't know when this game is going to be released but it doesn't sound very good. One more quote:
"it's difficult to assess how well Uncharted will hold up against Crystal Dynamics's sterling platform puzzle work on the Tomb Raider franchise."
Dude Raider FTL.
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