ok then.
have fun with your 1 game per year that shows your 'true powah' haha.
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1 game per yer?? guy the ps3 just finished year 1. give it a rest. uncharted def has ONE of the best graphics this gen so far. as for ooooooooooooh gears , halo bla bla bla. microsoft has over 6 years of development whith Standard dvd format with PC like teck. ps3 is entirely new hardware and media type. as far as i see it... it took PS 1 year to just about match 360 and 1 year till its surpassed 360
RE4 kind of sucks. I don't know how it got rated so high. Having to stand still and shoot really blows.
Your credibility just flew right out the window.
Obviously, you guys never played this game ;)
Here's a video :)
OT but it looks like jill has no shirt in your sig...:twisted:
[QUOTE="Big_Gamer_Al"]RE4 kind of sucks. I don't know how it got rated so high. Having to stand still and shoot really blows.
Your credibility just flew right out the window.
You mean he had credibility before that?How big is the demo, because wasn't the game engine already too big for DVD, i.e. 9gb+? that's a big demo.OGTiago1.2 GB
Its silly how you forget the ps3 was released a year later.
It's silly to think that that matters. If the PS3 had an extra year of development time, then it should have been SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful than the 360. If the PS3 were a better machine than the 360, then it should be blowing the doors off, not barely keeping up.
[QUOTE="tidus222"]i think the xbox peoples are mad cause ps3 is stylin all over the 360 in graphicsLagaeS
Mass Effects environments are recycled just like Oblivion or so I've heard. Nothing special here. and thats how and only how it fitted on a dvd.
Uncharted looks better then ME.
Is that it? Is that the powah?! Gears and Mass Effect crap all over Uncharted.
Final Fantasy X sucks too.
Gears, probably does look better than uncharted. But mass effect? Goodness no. Uncharted blows it out of the water graphically, and from what I've seen, framerate wise too.
wow how quickly cows forget about lairParadiddleFill
Why don't you play lair before placing judgement. I am currently renting lair. And I gotta say its not bad like people say it is. The controls are solid and its beautiful. Yea some screen tearing but who gives a sh*T.
sorry dude but that is a joke..if anyone played the full version of ratchet and clank tod youd know the ps3 already had the best graphical game on home consoles
ive got the full game and the graphics apart from ratchet are very bland and basic...
im downloading the uncharted demo now to take a look as i didnt know it was on there yet,after watching things on tv this week it does look vey good indeed i just hope it looks as good running on my ps3 infront of me....
I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
[QUOTE="tidus222"]so beautiful is UNCHARTED makes gears of war look dated, all the haters have been owned for uncharted it utilizing cell power from OUR THE PS3 discussDante2710saying that uncharted makes gears look outdated...is a really dumb statement...
Its actually pretty true and ive played both games while most the people that disagree have never owneda PS3 in there life.
[QUOTE="aznfool07"]1/3 of the PS3's power.toxicmog
1/3rd :S
why do people say that...it always uses the full power. They just find better ways to manage it later on.
Actually according to the devs its only using 1/3rd of the spu power on the cell.
I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I think Crytek gave it to them.Power of the PS3 = Plastic Bricks and Rocks? :o ... awesome.
Where did they get a Laminator that works on 3D objects?
Must of been thier only one then because thye dont have Laminated textures :D
Meku you never played the demo dont wast our time.
[QUOTE="MadExponent"]I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
Judging from what Ive seen of ingame footage ( yea not the same as playing , and I didnt like Gears look much anyway) but whats not static about Uncharted's level setup?
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I think Crytek gave it to them.Power of the PS3 = Plastic Bricks and Rocks? :o ... awesome.
Where did they get a Laminator that works on 3D objects?
Must of been thier only one then because thye dont have Laminated textures :D
SO ND used a laminator then? :roll:[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I think Crytek gave it to them.Power of the PS3 = Plastic Bricks and Rocks? :o ... awesome.
Where did they get a Laminator that works on 3D objects?
Must of been thier only one then because thye dont have Laminated textures :D
SO ND used a laminator then? :roll:Do you know what a joke is?
[QUOTE="MadExponent"]I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
I have a feeling you are an Uncharted fanboy and have never played Gears on PC. BTW Uncharted looks awesome, but Gears on PC is much more pleasing to my eye. I play Gears @ 1920x1080 DX10 4x AA turned on with everything maxed out and the game runs at a solid 60 fps constantly. It is clean looking and the texture quality difference over the 360 is extremely noticeable especially when I put the two in split screen on my LCD and look at them at the same time. No point in arguing this really. Sure I like the color palette in Uncharted and it is fun to play, but technically Gears on PC has better overall visuals than Uncharted. No big deal really cause the PC adds alot of extra power that the UE3 can really take advantage of.
[QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="MadExponent"]I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
I have a feeling you are an Uncharted fanboy and have never played Gears on PC. BTW Uncharted looks awesome, but Gears on PC is much more pleasing to my eye. I play Gears @ 1920x1080 DX10 4x AA turned on with everything maxed out and the game runs at a solid 60 fps constantly. It is clean looking and the texture quality difference over the 360 is extremely noticeable especially when I put the two in split screen on my LCD and look at them at the same time. No point in arguing this really. Sure I like the color palette in Uncharted and it is fun to play, but technically Gears on PC has better overall visuals than Uncharted. No big deal really cause the PC adds alot of extra power that the UE3 can really take advantage of.
I have both the 360 & PC on 1 LCD, how do you show both at once? :o
[QUOTE="Big_Gamer_Al"][QUOTE="club-sandwich"]Obviously, you guys never played this game ;)
Here's a video :)
RE4 kind of sucks. I don't know how it got rated so high. Having to stand still and shoot really blows.
it's about REmake, not RE4 :| and RE4 is awesome, it got GOTY and great reviews aswell :| and that's part of survival horror :|Really?:|:|:|
[QUOTE="MadExponent"][QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="MadExponent"]I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
I have a feeling you are an Uncharted fanboy and have never played Gears on PC. BTW Uncharted looks awesome, but Gears on PC is much more pleasing to my eye. I play Gears @ 1920x1080 DX10 4x AA turned on with everything maxed out and the game runs at a solid 60 fps constantly. It is clean looking and the texture quality difference over the 360 is extremely noticeable especially when I put the two in split screen on my LCD and look at them at the same time. No point in arguing this really. Sure I like the color palette in Uncharted and it is fun to play, but technically Gears on PC has better overall visuals than Uncharted. No big deal really cause the PC adds alot of extra power that the UE3 can really take advantage of.
I have both the 360 & PC on 1 LCD, how do you show both at once? :o
Well I have my PC plugged in over DVI and my 360 plugged in over HDMI. I simply flip through my picture in picture modes until I have side by side mode and I compare. Very easy.
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="MadExponent"][QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="MadExponent"]I own Gears of War for 360 and PC and I have played Uncharted. This is how it goes...
Gears of War (PC) >>>>>Uncharted>>Gears of War (360)
I have a feeling you never played Uncharted becuase Gears of War will never look better regardless of what rig your playing it on. Its animations and lighting look primative in comparison along with its weak explostions and static enviornments.
I have a feeling you are an Uncharted fanboy and have never played Gears on PC. BTW Uncharted looks awesome, but Gears on PC is much more pleasing to my eye. I play Gears @ 1920x1080 DX10 4x AA turned on with everything maxed out and the game runs at a solid 60 fps constantly. It is clean looking and the texture quality difference over the 360 is extremely noticeable especially when I put the two in split screen on my LCD and look at them at the same time. No point in arguing this really. Sure I like the color palette in Uncharted and it is fun to play, but technically Gears on PC has better overall visuals than Uncharted. No big deal really cause the PC adds alot of extra power that the UE3 can really take advantage of.
I have both the 360 & PC on 1 LCD, how do you show both at once? :o
Well I have my PC plugged in over DVI and my 360 plugged in over HDMI. I simply flip through my picture in picture modes until I have side by side mode and I compare. Very easy.
Oh I see your Monitor now ... heh its about 10 leagues ahead of mine , nvm , that feature would of been nice :P , all I can do is switch between the 2.
so beautiful is UNCHARTED makes gears of war look dated, all the haters have been owned for uncharted it utilizing cell power from OUR THE PS3 discusstidus222
Really? Sure you aren't looking through fanboy goggles? After playing the unremarkable demo, I decided to cancel my preorder. It does nothing new, and what it does do it doesn't do particularly well. What a disapointment. I was really excited about this game, but after playing the demo I'm positive it won't score above an 8.9, and that's being generous. I didn't find the graphics to be anywhere near as good as Heavenly Sword's, and certainly not better than Gears. Expect an 8-8.9 score for Drake.
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