Lets cut the freaking BS here Xbox is slaughtering Sony these days. Xbox has so many games and so many games coming and so many unannounced games coming as well.
Meanwhile Sony over here broke canceling games and studios fumbling around dumb da dumb what do we do guess we better beg for more Xbox games so our Cows have something to play.
Cows answer this, why would you stay on PS any longer? Why would you pay full price for games even if you get some of the great Xbox games, why would you pay full price? Do you Cows have the most pathetic business financial sense on the planet or what? You do realize that Sony is basically going full multiplat as well, Sony has to they can't survive if they don't.
Cows are you going to jump and when are you? How close are you to jumping? Are you drooling in agony with your thoughts losing sleep at night dreaming of Uncle Phil as your Daddy?
Here's what Xbox offers and is bringing. The most games currently in the market PERIOD!!!!!! The best games in the market currently PERIOD!!!!!! The most powerful console ever made the biggest technical leap ever in gaming coming with Windows/PC Hybrid integration in 2026 PERIOD!!!!!! A new powerful handheld with Windows/Xbox fully integrated in 2026 PERIOD!!!!!!
Game Pass the best cost and gaming option with all the best games and tons of games coming regularly PERIOD!!!!!!
Go to 1: 40 and say OH BOY Uncle Phil has just went GANGSTA!!!!!!

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