lol, higher than any Naughty Dud game.
PC continues to be the indie/Moba/rts dumpster platform.
Btw, do I need a Titan to play this? LOL pc gaming.
Anyway good game to play on the backup platform.
By cows logic this is best game since Ocarina of Time because it has higher score than any PS exclusive out there. The war is over.
PC continues to be the indie/Moba/rts dumpster platform.
Btw, do I need a Titan to play this? LOL pc gaming.
Anyway good game to play on the backup platform.
You understand that if you take out indy games pc still has the most aaa+aa titles at MC and GS this gen, right?
And whats so bad about RTS/TBS/MMO/MOBA? Total Warhammer can't even run on PS4. PS4's highest scoring games,
PC continues to be the indie/Moba/rts dumpster platform.
Btw, do I need a Titan to play this? LOL pc gaming.
Anyway good game to play on the backup platform.
You're boring now...
it's only 10 reviews dude.... Let's talk again when the game receives at least 70 scores from 70 different sources and is still able to maintain a 90+ metascore like Naughty God's games.
How many of those 70 sources are those of Sony's own publications?
11 reviews?
I pick out 11 10/10 MC Uncharted 2 reviews then.
Uncharted 2 wins.
I'll pick 11 and it'll lose not how it works. Live by scores die by scores Heil :P
Are you implying that magazines that has a brand name in their title is bias and has an agenda to score exklusives high? That can't be true, I never.
it's only 10 reviews dude.... Let's talk again when the game receives at least 70 scores from 70 different sources and is still able to maintain a 90+ metascore like Naughty God's games.
I don't think that will happen,in fact i think it should not is a good game,maybe i love old stile gaming to much but it is cool.
By cows logic this is best game since Ocarina of Time because it has higher score than any PS exclusive out there. The war is over.
Single out cow is what make you a butthurt lemming in the end,so your argument doesn't apply to lemmings who have use score since the xbox brand started.?
But since you believe the xbox one can catch the PS4 sales wise what more need to be said about
Played the game, that definitely wasn't a 95+ experience by any stretch, lol. It's barely a 65+.
To a tasteless gamer who started recently to game probably.
How many of those 70 sources are those of Sony's own publications?
So you are claiming that the majority of sites reviewing PS games are sony related.?
Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
Yeah like doesn't happen on PC and only there are not PC only sites reviewing PC games.
Just because a site is name PS doesn't mean is related to sony by the way.
By cows logic this is best game since Ocarina of Time because it has higher score than any PS exclusive out there. The war is over.
Someone take your milk that why you're obsessed with cows?
Don't bother TC, Gamespot is too busy faffing about generic blockbuster games to care about quality games.
Undertale is absolutely a phenomenal game but kiddos see 8-bit graphics and want to go back to The Order 1886 or whatever other shit they play.
Corrupt websites undoubtedly will attempt to deliberately score Undertale down to ensure Publishers with power prevail.
Metal Gear Solid 5 for example: being a doctored review copy getting full marks with whole segments of the game missing as well as hidden micro-transactions, terrible AI and sexism conveniently ignored.
Transparent evil.
Why did you need to compare it to Uncharted?
To make it System Wars worthy.
The Mods have closed threads for less.
@so_hai: Who's overrating COD or other mainstream stuff? I was half joking with my initial comment but it IS my experience that anything that looks or feels old school automatically gets brownie points from certain folks.
You should be MOST suspicious of big publishers that have the power and cash to sway the media to their side and LEAST suspicious of indie developers who have almost no resources.
@so_hai: I'm not suspicious of any publisher or developer. I'm talking about reviewers. My experience is that some folks are in the whole "negative hipster" zone where they praise anything different or old school or retro or indie automatically. Experienced it with XBLA games last gen, it continues this one too. I'm sure the game is awesome, I'm just taking "highest rated PC game ever" with a grain of salt, is all.
How many of those 70 sources are those of Sony's own publications?
So you are claiming that the majority of sites reviewing PS games are sony related.?
Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
Yeah like doesn't happen on PC and only there are not PC only sites reviewing PC games.
Just because a site is name PS doesn't mean is related to sony by the way.
Let me say, Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
And I'm disappointed, El-Tomato. You didn't call me Lemming this time. :(
How many of those 70 sources are those of Sony's own publications?
So you are claiming that the majority of sites reviewing PS games are sony related.?
Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
Yeah like doesn't happen on PC and only there are not PC only sites reviewing PC games.
Just because a site is name PS doesn't mean is related to sony by the way.
Let me say, Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
And I'm disappointed, El-Tomato. You didn't call me Lemming this time. :(
He thinks Playstation magazines aren't related to Playstation LOL
How many of those 70 sources are those of Sony's own publications?
So you are claiming that the majority of sites reviewing PS games are sony related.?
Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
Yeah like doesn't happen on PC and only there are not PC only sites reviewing PC games.
Just because a site is name PS doesn't mean is related to sony by the way.
Let me say, Hahahahaaaa what a pathetic excuse to justify
And I'm disappointed, El-Tomato. You didn't call me Lemming this time. :(
He thinks Playstation magazines aren't related to Playstation LOL
Not only that but Sony purposefully underrates other games and inflate the scores of their exclusives. The example is Crapzone: Shadow Fail and Witcher 3 reviews by OPM. Never seen a a company so obsessed with scores. GG Sony.
@Gue1: Every Sony game is given a big boost by around 10-20 publications that are fully dedicated to only reviewing Playstation games.
Do you know the word "biased" ?
@SolidGame_basic: Exactly ?
Just because you have a PC doesn't mean you have to only play Arma 3 all day.
You can play any game you want in the best possible way from 30 years of video-game history since backwards compatibility is not an issue. Whether it be a AAA game from 2015 , a small Indie game or a DOS game from 1991.
If I put a CD of Quake into my PC I can start playing it right away.
If you put your PS3 Demon's Souls disc into a PS4, nothing will happen.
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