They said the same things about other games in the past. Ones that flopped.
And how much do you expect them to be able to fix in less than a month?
This game sucks. It will get little play, IMO. I can think of no less than 8 or 9 other online games that are much better that I'd rather play.
bring on MGS4. and if MGO never existed, nobody would miss it. it fails.
Except most of those "complaints" can be fixed easily before the final game:
-Make it so one can move faster. There is a skill that increases running, if thats still too slow, it would be easy for them to increase it.
-Fix the crappy aiming. The aiming isn't crappy, they don't give you a definitive crosshair cause the game isn't suppose to be a fast paced shoot.
-Make the controls better. The controls are quite good(or at least massively improved), as many MGS4/MGO previews have said. Perhaps you should play the training mode?
-Fix the slowdown That occasional slowdown is lag, its a beta, it will be improved by the release.
-Just make it more fun. It is if you give it a chance
-It's like a slower version of army of 2 (no comment, haven't played AoT)
-People don't talk Not any different than any other psn game, perhaps you should get yourself in a good clan. At least they have those quick chat things.
-Sneaking up is useless Rubbish. Learn to play.
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot Depends on who you are playing against. Granted, they could make people choke out faster via a simple patch anyway if they needed
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming Again, a simple patch can fix this. Just reduce HP/ increase damage so people die faster
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer This isn't suppose to be fast paced, it does work if you know what your doing
-Map designs are horrible Agree to disagree.
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