@BigShotSmoov007: It wasn't releasing it on consoles, it was making it for consoles. The movement speed, the weapon switching speed, everything felt slower.
It was still a UT game, but UT3 was easily much slower than previous ones. Plus the disgusing Gears of War asthetic drove people away. UT wasn't (isn't) gears, and EPIC tried to force it to be.
It was never advertized has the reborn UT people wanted, but a console oriented UT. In complete contrast to this new forth (well, 5th actually) version, which is being built for pc, alongside the community, focused on modding and interaction.
Yes, the ps3 version could use mods and k/m, but obviously they didn't make them and controllers where the default input method.
Basically, epic tried to force console ecosystems onto the pc ut community.
It's not about the game being on consoles (which is fine), it's about development taking console into focus with their lack of K/M, modding and open source elements has the standart, like on PC.
Like i said, the game will probably be on the ps4 and xb1 eventually (almost certain) anyway.
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