I am long overdue for an upgrade from ps2 I am torn between both Xbox one and ps4.
Being a PlayStation guy all my life I am leaning towards a ps4 but am considering a Xbox one which in my area could be had for about 60-70 dollars cheaper.
I know coming from a ps2 graphics in either system are going to be more than adequate
I do not have a whole lot of ppl,I will be connecting with friend wise in either system I have a few on both sides to connect with so this aspect is a wash
Everyone says which exclusives do you like more you will be happy with either system I am having such a hard time deciding what is making it even harder are two games that I would love to have for both systems which would make my decision a whole lot easier
Scalebound & horizon zero dawn
I am not big into shooter games ex:gears of war,halo,battlefield etc Inam more drawn towards action/adventure/RPGs this is where scale bound really grabbed my eye.
I am leaning towards ps4 more for their huge diverse library as it looks like Xbox one is a bit smaller but they are backwards compatible this is such a hard decision maybe some of you guys who have one or both systems can chime in a little I know it comes down to which. Games I prefer to play and that's hard other than first person shooters I really play anything
Racing of any kind
God of war
Destiny warriors
Road rage
Twisted metal
Marvel ultimate alliance
Soul caliber
Def jam fight for my
crazy taxi
inam currently playing nfs most wanted
Any opinions would be greatly appreciated
Thx all
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