Half-Life 2: The Black Box is no more. The package, which was to offer Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2, has been officially cancelled by Valve. The Orange Box will be the only collection offered when Episode 2 releases this fall. Priced $10 higher than the Black Box, the Orange Box adds the original Half-Life 2 and HL2: Episode 1.
"The Black Box has been cancelled," said Doug Lombardi, Valve's director of marketing. "We're going to have one package, The Orange Box, available on the PC (US$49.99) as well as the 360 and PS3 (US$ 59.99). In addition to the three new products -- Portal, Team Fortress 2, and Half-Life: Episode Two -- The Orange Box will also contain the full version of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. Those who purchase the PC version of The Orange Box will get three separate Steam product codes: One for the three new games, one for HL2, and one for Episode One. This way a PC Orange Box owner can give away their Half-Life 2 or Episode One unused Steam product codes if they don't need a copy of those games. We are excited to deliver the highest value of new gaming content ever offered in one box."
You'll get a better sense of what your $50 buys you next week when IGN examines the contents of The Orange Box. Look for hands-on impressions of Episode 2, an update on Portal, and a new feature on Team Fortress 2.
Great so I have to buy HL2 and Ep1 again just to play Ep2, portal and TF2! Wtf?! :x
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