@super600 said:
@Gatygun said:
Its a bunch of salty nintendo fans that can't coop with the fact that there new switch has a oled screen and nothing else while valve releases a handheld that plays every game under the sun for only 50 bucks more.
The base deck will struggle to run every game on PC because of it's slow memory. Anything designed for faster storage might not work to well on the base model.It also won't be viable to play some games on the deck because of storage limitations unless you want to spend extra money to get additional external storage(like micro sd cards) to play larger games.
I got 512gb of nvme storage on my PC mate, it will be fine also that nvme drive is porbably 1-2gbps. Its fast as hell. This thing is leagues ahead of the switch.
Even the micro sd card is like what 90mbps, which will absolute be faster then what HDD's do.
And about the memory being slow its 88gbps, for 800p, that's 1 million pixels, slam fsr on it and u can cut it in half on top of it. xbox series X sits at 8 million pixels at 560gbps, so divide it by 8 and u get 70gbps or even lower with FSR.
This handheld has no problems playing anything under the sun.
This handheld gets praised for its insanely good memory architecture, storage solution and hyper modern architecture for gpu and cpu that are equal towards current gen consoles. There is nothing this handheld won't run unless the raw performance simple isn't up for it when games are getting extremely complex and push 1080p 30fps on consoles again. We won't be seeing those for a while however.
The switch can't even play a hybrid ps3/ps4 game called witcher 3 without needing to have glasses to how blurry as **** it looks like, with pretty much all detail stripped to its core. Basically the entire game needs to be redesigned to get it to run on that thing and even then that's it.
U will be playing current gen ac games / horizon zero dawn / far cry all on this thing without effort.
This thing will have no issue playing any game without effort straight out of the box. And that's what makes this handheld being far more useful then the switch which basically can only play "select nintendo games".
Steam deck is in another dimension versus the switch its not even funny and that's even with the base 399 model, the higher models are even better.
Its actually so far ahead it can even emulate the switch games in the same generation where its released in, and do it at most likely double the performance + enhanced settings. That's how pathetic the switch is.
There new switch oled version doesn't even support DLSS. the absolute minimum u could expect. There is a reason why even nitnendo's PR machine is starting to shit the brick while the entire market is laughing at them.
Switch has what 0.2 tflops on a old architecture, vs 1,6 new architecture + fsr = 3,2 tflops Its probably more in line with 2 - 4 because of the new architecture. how much times is it better? almost 20x just on the gpu front ( and that's lowballing it ) cpu front is in another dimension also, memory front same thing, 4gb slow as shit memory vs 16 fast as hell next gen speeds memory that equals current gen consoles if not better for its resolution. storage speed on the switch is like what 30mbps vs 2000mbps
Nintendo is runned by a bunch donkeys and it shows.
And no this is not a psp/vita vs nintendo kind of argument.
What brought failure to the PSP and Vita was zero games and not being able to play console games like they advertised.
This thing plays everything, and has a library of 100.000 of games if not a million games straight out of the gate and will get all games that releases on PC which is practically 95% of the game market without effort. it will also be able to emulate mobile games without problems.
And that for 50 bucks more then the switch oled. while valve has no interest to sell it to the console crowd by selling it on steam where u gotta have games already bought on your account to even buy it. He made it as hard as possible to get and doesn't throw it into stores or advertise it other then to steam users. Which makes the price of 399 even more embarrasing for nintendo which could easily eat the cost and go further.
350 for switch oled is a joke, its so bad even journalist outlets like bloomberg shit on it, which triggers nintendo to no end because investors get worried so they have to respond.
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