'The short answer is photogrammetry, a method of scanning photographs (a *lot* of photographs) to create and texture highly-detailed 3D objects without any of the repetition associated with common video game techniques. A longer, but far more edifying, explanation can be found over at The Astronauts' tumblr, where Andrzej Poznanski explains in detail how the Polish team is using the technique to create The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter, its weird fiction-inspired horror game.'EDIT:ok now I am able to upload some of the pictures although their still somewhat compress and the rest need to be clicked for viewing since they aren't actual images Asset 1Asset 2Asset 3Asset 4Asset 5Asset 6Asset 7Asset 8'We didn’t scan all these assets for you to inspect every tiny pixel and marvel at technical excellence of our art pipeline. We went through all the hard work on these assets so that you can stop seeing assets and start seeing the world. Feeling the world. It may look photorealistic to some, it may seem magical to others, but if we did our scanning right, it should above all, feel right.'
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