It still is garbage.
its not that bad and they cut all the rpg out of the game. its mroe of an open world tps now with side event and objective based gameplay. but the f2p players suffer pretty badly at the hands of paid for content as they need to keep playing in order to even stack up next to a user of the micro-store.
vehicle controls are a bit floaty but pretty driveable once you get adjusted and omitting a few abuses its pretty darn good and for a f2p game its THE msot demanding one there is and the best imho visually.
its also has a problem with tick but thats being fixed. recent fixes have really fixed matchmaking and its almsot impossible now for a high ranked most wanted veteran to get grouped with newbies and future changes will solidify this.
it also has some amazing set pieces and amazing character customization. simply put you can jsut about everything to trick out your character and then some.
How does it stack up compared to the original release though? That's what I want to know.as an rpg well it snot an rpg anymore so thats gone to comapre with. but as a team based online tps its got alot of unique features and can be quite fun if your willing to give it a chance and deal wtih the beta stage bugs its currently living in. its beta is actually been revised to ver 2.1 recently marking the debut of a brand new player sorting system which basically makes it impossible for high rnaking uber toons to game with lowbie's anymore. the downside si that the higher ranked players have a lot less competition and players and it also means matches ridiculosuly easy to find and be balanced in on higher ones. i join games now never having to fear mr gold rank 13 with his neon green bulletbroof hummer and rpg. and instead need only fret about the silly fools with the horrible auto sniper and the ever so inaccurate smg.
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