Vanquish Producer: PlayStation 3 is a "sports car" While 360 is a "car that everybody's driving"
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Platinum Games Atsushi Inaba, a producer on shooter Vanquish, has highlighted differences between PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by comparing the two consoles to cars.
"The PS3 is kind of like a sports car that's very high-performance and specific in its usage, whereas the 360 is more like a car that everybody's driving," he told VG247 at E3.
"It doesn't have the same range as a sports car, but it has more versatility."
Platinum is using the PlayStation 3 as its lead platform for Vanquish after their previous effort, Bayonetta, was criticized because the PlayStation version was viewed as substantially inferior to the Xbox 360 version.
"It's about adapting your game to those two sorts of different frameworks.
"That's where we're focusing. Fundamentally, the gameplay experience itself is the exact same game."
The shooter is being made for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, but it's understandable why the PlayStation 3 is being used as the lead platform. Numerous titles that have been developed using the Xbox 360 as the lead console have experienced problems on the PlayStation 3. Fallout 3 was criticized for having inferior graphics on the PlayStation 3 despite the console's graphical prowess, and Bayonetta suffered from frame-rate issues and other graphical problems as well.
While Inaba's comments could ignite debate between PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 camps, the honest truth is that his comments simply mean that the two are different in their composition, and thus, in how they can developed for. Developing a game for an Xbox 360 isn't the same as developing a game for a PlayStation 3.
It seems that, given the trouble Platinum had with Bayonetta, this is a proper direction for Platinum to take. It would be better for them to try developing with the PlayStation 3 as the lead platform to see whether the transition from PlayStation 3 development to Xbox 360 is smoother and less fraught with graphical issues.
Could other developers take the same approach in order to avoid problems that they have run into when porting? It's possible.
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