''While Virtua Fighter 5 is a port of the PS3 version, refinements have been made to pretty things up. The aliasing issues, which were quite noticeable in the PS3 version, are gone from the 360 build. There's no shimmer, no ugly jagged lines -- Virtua Fighter 5 on 360 is beautiful. There are a lot of nice, subtle effects that add a nice touch to the environments, such as early-morning fog rolling across the arena. The backdrops are clean and colorful and the game runs smooth as a thoroughbred.
Our time with VF5 was incredibly short. But from what we saw, it's prettier than the PlayStation 3 version.''
now deny that TC.GermanShepard06
im not denying the fact thatx360 version has more AA and its the reason why they find it prettier but that doesnt mean the overall graphics are better on the x360 or that the game is better.
It looks better than the ps3, get it through ur skull. the facts are there, but what i can expect from some fanboy in denial like u?
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