What SW dwellers don't realize about handhelds is that the Japanese are the best when it comes to developing a great handheld game not the Westerners. While PSP have great games made by Westerners, most of the top games of DS and PSP are made by the Japanese like Lumines, LocoRoco, Metal Gear Peace Walker, Patapon, Professor Layton, Ghost Trick, 999, Ace Attorney, the numerous JRPGs, 2D Castlevania games, etc.
Unlike a console and PC gamer who may have a library composed entirely of Western made games, a handheld gamer will always have Japanese games in his/her library.
The Japanese are very important in handheld game development. Vita's launch lineup is indeed very impressive but there's no denying that it's doing badly in the sales department over there.
What does this mean?
Vita's future for Japanese game development is surely affected by its present state even if it succeeds in the West. I don't think top Western developers like Epic, BioWare,etc. would bother to make high quality handheld games. It is still a possibility though. I hope Bioshock for Vita will be a good indication for a great Western support for handhelds. The Rayman Origins handheld versions are already a good start though they seem to be just a port of the console versions.
Anyway, it is the Japanese who always make top high quality handheld games. If they abandon the Vita due to its failure in Japan, they would focus solely on 3DS which is doing better both in Japan and in all regions of the West having a larger market.
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