[QUOTE="Heirren"][QUOTE="FlamesOfGrey"] The prices of these cards are insane though. It's obvious they're trying to offset the PS Vita loss on each unit with the idea of knowing most core gamers aren't going to settle for a 4 or 8 GB card. The 4 gig would probably only last a few months and the 8 gig wouldn't even last a year for most core gamers.FlamesOfGrey
I'm inclined to agree, and I've shared the same view and posted such on this forum. I forget the prices--how much is the 32gig card? Do we have 'set in stone' US dollar amounts? Because the last I read it was a conversion from yen to dollar, which never turns out to be accurate. I guess I'm just pointing out that they aren't that much more than a typical "sony" line of product.
*any idea what the max acceptable card is?
4GB - $20 8GB - $30 16 GB - I forgot 32GB - $100 Those are the final prices for the U.S.I'm guessing the 16gig is probably $70, then. Yeah, those are ridiculous, and people are defending this?! Sony makes good products, but with prices like that--even in trying to recoup losses like you said--simply CANNOT be good for the system. It really alienates part of the market, which is children/young teens with no jobs. The consumer is much smarter these days, and if a parent is going to buy their sons/daughters a portable console and sees these prices? Yeah, no. Not only will they go, "wtf?" but what also factors in is that they simply don't want them carrying around a device worth $400+.
Wow, $100?! Even for myself I just can't bring myself to spend that amount. I've been looking at vita as something to replace my ipod and play games when I'm away from home. At those prices I'm better off buying an Ipad.
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