In terms of Kinect, if its a success as a second device, which it financially and commercially is, then the next Kinect which will be standard sold with the 720 will have a great chance at further success, especially with the better tech this time. Again, I won't guarantee it, but it stands to reason if some of the Kinect fans return and have a better model, and if the developers unlock better, smarter experiences I think it will do very well. For the gamers that don't like or support Kinect thats fine as they don't have to use it in Core games. LIke in Mass Effect, its a option, not a guys think is just that easy. You cater to the mass market and you make money... If it were that easy Nintendo wouldn't be having the issues that they are having right now with the Wii U. Because is not just about deciding that you're going casual or not but about if that product you make is gonna appeal to them. No matter how you want to see it at the end is still a gamble.
People already seen, own or played the Kinect so what makes you think that it (2.0) will be a success again? There are too many variables but to me Sony's doing all the right moves. They are mixing the social aspect with traditional gaming, and casual gaming/move/PS eye is on the side. Meanwhile I bet M$ are gonna do the same thing but instead of focusing on traditional gaming their focus will be: casual, social aspect and then the traditional on the side (mostly from 3rd party's and the sporadic Halo game).
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