might not seem like the best time to post this, cuz warhawk isnt exacly new... but it think it deserves at least a 9.0
ive been playing multiplayer games like halo 3, gears, cod4, and i loved them... but my all time favorite multiplayer game would be star wars battlefront 2. it got alot of content, big maps, alot of players, a good use of air/vehicle and it was well balanced... the only game that comes anywhere close to that game, would be... warhawk
its maps are crazy, its vehicles are crazy, it supports up to 32 players (even though SWFB2 was up to 60ish players) and it hardly lags
true, it has no singleplayer and its graphics might not be the best, but in terms of MP, this game is outstanding... an outstanding games should score 9.0 at least
once again thats just my opinion from playing the demo................now discuss
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