Crysis had a stupid, but simple, and fun B-story. Warhead had an even goofier story, with a likable protagonist.
Crysis 2 (which boasted about it's story prior to release) had an incomprehensible story where people said a whole lot of nothing. Deadly earnest, but totally hollow. A vacuous cliche' under the impression it was a high concept thriller.
Crysis 1/Warhead actually did have an original setting, at least later in the game, when you have a winter-wonderland tropical Island, with a surreal sci-fi space-ship underground, inside a volcano.
Crysis 2 is an off-brand Halflife 2. Without the good. It follows the same pattern as Crysis with a morphing environment late game, with the only once of creativity a final level set in a floating sky fortress i.e. The Citadel
Crysis/Warhead gave the player options how to play, among highly interactive environments.
Crysis 2 literally spells out 2-3 options telling the player what to take. With obviose, trite setups, where the only real interaction is a scripted kick-car animation. Instead of sacrificing suit power, everything is streamlined and simplified to make stealth even more overpowered than it was in the first two, a "you win" button.
Crysis 2 does improve the alien enemies, while the human enemies are dumb, and boring, the alien AI, when it's not borking up is surprisingly good. They stealth, hunt for the player, take into account vertical positions, use utilities, stick together and generally are far more engaging than the aliens in either Crysis or Warhead. Probably the best thing in the game.
While Crysis 2 lacks the scale or interactivity of Crysis, it runs a hell of a lot better. The initial levels aren't impressive looking, (in fact they are quite ugly in places) later levels like New York at night look simply stunning, easily running 60fps on mid end hardware. But with limited graphic options that goes in direction opposition of the tweak minded fan-base it had cultivated.
Crysis And Warhead are also far better paced. They never really felt like they were dragging while at the same time giving the player cool down moments to express themselfs. Crysis 2 is a console game through and though, constantly barraging players with sensory overload until bombastic becomes routine, and routine become laborious.
Crysis left a mark, it become synonymous with pc gaming. The manly game for men. No scrubs allowed.
Is Crysis 2 terrible? Nope. Is it particularly good? Na. It's just totally forgettable. a corporate reinvention with aspirations of becoming Halo or Call Of Duty, failing spectacularly, a completely misguided attempt at drawing in a new audience while telling it's pre-existing (and passionate) existing fan-base to ****-off, you're not good enough, we deserve better.
And I guess they got what they deserved. ^-^
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