@pc_rocks said:
not to mention the long dev cycles for each of his games. The guy was anything but efficient.
Yeah, never understood this take either.
The guys track record was typically releasing a big game every 3 to 4 years, sometimes with smaller games in between, while also overseeing and advising on other games at Konami, or for Konami IPs that were licensed out to other devs. All while handling duties in executive roles at Konami, including being their VP for a while.
For most AAA game directors, simply putting out a big title every 3 to 4 years is more than enough lol.
Longest gap between two Kojima directed games was 5 years, the stretch leading up to MGSV. Which isn't some crazy unheard of cycle these days.
Even so, the reason for that stretch being longer than usual was Konami tasking Kojima Productions with creating an engine that would not only function as the engine for all of their in-house titles, but would also be licensed out to other studios ala UE4/Unity, etc. A first for Konami as they previously would create specific engines per game.
So in that 5 year stretch: Created a flexible engine for Konami internal use and to license out, directed MGSV, started development on PT, worked a producer role on (licensed to Platinum) Revengence, and was VP of the company for part of that time.
@pc_rocks said:
Kojima also had a MGS: Rising failure
Yup, not a Kojima directed game. And when he saw that it wasn't working out, he axed the project at Konami and handed it off to Platinum. That's a good thing, guy was doing his job and we ended up with a good game because of it.
Can't find anything concrete. Only a snip of the producer basically saying lol no, would've been multiplat if that were the case. Edit: Oh and the other producer saying that rumor came from a misquote.
Though I highly doubt Konami would've expanded Kojimas roles and given him promotions if he shit the bed with MGS4 lol.
@pc_rocks said:
The 180M figure also had costs of printing and distribution included in.
I mean sure, that's any game.
Still that's just day 1 online sales.
Obviously it sold after day one, and obviously there were physical sales in stores lol.
But even assuming for a moment that that's it. The game never sold a copy in stores and never sold a copy after day 1. Still turned a healthy profit.
And Konami still profited off of Fox Engine after the fact.
Anyways man, I get it. A lot of people don't like Kojima either as a dev, a person, or both. It's whatever.
But to act like the dude was dragging things out and losing money at Konami is demonstrably false.
He was keeping them on the map as a gaming company and they were definitely rewarding him for it.
It wasn't until they got a mobile focused president who was obsessed after their one hit mobile wonder, that they changed their tune.
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