@mazuiface: nobody is denying Konami's wrong on the case ... Yes, they shifted their focus as a gaming company and yes, they push their employees to quit.
But again, and with that being said , Kojima couldn't finish MGSV in the giving time ... It was delayed and delayed time and time again and even when they released it ... It was incomplete. Can you imagine how out of schedule he was ??? How many resources he had spent??? Any company would be in the right to make calls if they see a product that just doesn't making any progress.
That alone would light any red alarm for any company. MGSV was a huge success on name alone (and well, the ideas were solid enough, no pun intended), but at the same time it is also one of ... If not the most disappointing game in the series for many people ... Konami then further killed any buzz for the franchise.
And then you have Death Stranding ... Sony is disappointed with it and with good reason. Kojima showed he can't be trusted with big projects anymore.
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