Now this in not a biased thread on how the 360 is a bad console, on the contrary, i feel the 360 is a great console with great ideals for games,
But with a years head start on the competition you would think the 360 would have more to say for itself then a few multi-platform titles and one killer exclusive in the vein of GOW,
 it just seems like with all the delays, Too Human, Mass Effect to say the least that maybe micrsoft has missed the boat to totaly dominate the competition, I mean for all of microsofts Jump in commercials and other lame advertisement i really have nothing to show for my purchase of this 400 dollar machine which is really dissapointing,
Could it be that microsoft made an error and released a console before any of there software developers were ready?, now there trying to pull the wool over peoples faces by releasing a gimmicky black xbox360,i mean thats nice and all but where are the games? one things for sure, this might be the last console i spend $400, next time im going to wait.........
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