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Wii: Got it cause my girlfriend wanted it
PS3: Got it with my LCD for $300 (60 gig original)
360: Got cause i had an xbox and loved it and then i always wanted to try live and never looked back since
PC: I just wanted to create a super gaming rig and upgrade to see how far max settings looked (i love pc gaming even if i dont have time to game)
To be honest, I bought a 360 soley for its online capabilities, virtually all of my friends have 360's and it's common that we duke it out on all of the quality MP games available on the system, an experience the PS3 couldn't bring me.
When I game alone though I prefer PC gaming tenfold, when I can DL and tweak my own little mods :D
Because it's an American made game console, Plus - The japanese consumer refusal to buy an 360 really upset me, i'll never buy an japanese product again.
:? doesnt that make you just like them? When you get bombed and lose a number of your population, you tend to hold some grudges. On topic: Yes you should support American products, but Microsoft, outsources a lot of their jobs overseas ( although not as much now) so it's a two sided coin360 = Gears of War/Dead Rising
PS3 = Metal Gear Solid 4/ Little Big Planet
Wii= SSBB/ No More Heroes
Of course most there is also multiplats and great features that each system has but those are the main reasons I bought them and didn't stick with one console.
PS3- More reliable than the 360, games, no add-ons like the 360, and blu-ray.
PC- Had it forever, and I need it lol
Wii- It was a gift
I got my Wii mostly because of SSBB, and I'd say that game alone was worth the purchase, but I've also enjoyed quite a few other first party titles for the Wii.
I knew I wanted to play FFXIII... and found out it was going to be multiplat. I checked the exclusives for both consoles and it was a no brainer, PS3 has a ton of exclusives that appeal to me, while Xbox360 has like... 1
For my PC... well... I'm required to have a top notch PC for my line of work, so that really was more of a cool side-benefit.
Blu Ray and the games that interested me on it. Mgs4,KZ2,GT5 and more are all games that are/will only be on the ps3 so that made my decision alot easier about what system to buy. :) And I love the Dualshock 3 too.
Xbox 360 : because it was out first
Wii : It was Nintendo/ different/ VC/ Motion control
Both had Resident Evil games
360: To Play Lost Odyssey.
PS2: Its the best HD console available and I dont regret getting it for $600 cuz its pleasing me the most.
PSP: To play Crisis core and some other games.
DS: The best and Handheld and got great library of RPGs.
Wii: Bought it for my niece as birthday present but I use it more than her xD.
PC: I barely play any games on PC but I love upgrading my pc every now and then.
The PC was my first gaming epxerience. I got my PS3 because I wanted a media center PC, but couldn't afford one at the time, and I saw the KZ2 CGI (I know it was fake, but the game looks better so my gamble paid off). Seeing as how it had a blu-ray player AND it could have some pretty nice exclusives for it(especially GOW3), I decided to get a PS3. I had a 360 too, but my cousin borrowed it and broke it.
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