Quantic Dream is highly regarded as innovative when it comes to indigo prophecy and lately it's been getting a lot of attention for heavy rain...but they're working on another title as well (Omikron 2)
I think 'Omikron : The nomad Soul' didn't get the justice it deserved back when it came out. The game was pretty awesome. and by looking at what they did with Indigo prophecy and what they're going to do with heavy rain...I think Omikron 2 will blow people away if/when they release it. ;P
Note that there aren't any pics or videos of the game, but rest assured that they are working on it, It's extremely early in its development cycle....so there might be a chance it might get cancelled.
Omikron Karma is planned for rising generation of consoles. It is a very large project, very ambitious technically but also conceptually. We want to pass at the following stage, to create the most beautiful city imagined in 3D, a real world fascinating recipient of the play. There is a large work of returned for the next gen', of managements of blur, an important artificial intelligence. One will be able to control vehicles, to build robots and especially to establish and develop confidence and love, friendly relations with other characters.
Yeah, I know it's not a very reliable link but it's the only one that seems to have the most info about it (be it real or not), but It's definately a working title
This game will be awesome considering the amount of tools they have to work with today XD
according to gamespot...it's only in the PS3 section...but it's still too early to rule anything out eh?
Anyone else excited for this as I am?
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