@mesome713: I don't see how any of the games have cut content.
People complained MGSV had cut content and that Konami rushed it.
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@mesome713: I don't see how any of the games have cut content.
People complained MGSV had cut content and that Konami rushed it.
Eh, maybe. I mean, the game would have benefit from more powerful hardware, but so much as to fundamentally change the whole game? I doubt it. I think the larger hurdle is the mixed reception that the game got in Japan, and whether a WW release will kinda go the same.
Either way, i'm buying it day one.
@mesome713: metal gear is full of content, the only thing people can complain about is the half assed story and lack of cutscenes compared to previous games in the series
Yeah, youll have to ask MGSV fans bout that one, their complaints not mine.
With that logic people will be saying "Too bad it wasn't on PC," for all games...ever.
What's wrong with wanting games on your console? Nothing, stop being a manchild.
@mesome713: metal gear is full of content, the only thing people can complain about is the half assed story and lack of cutscenes compared to previous games in the series
Yeah, youll have to ask MGSV fans bout that one, their complaints not mine.
Well, you have brought it up on more than one occasion. If it's not your complaint, then why continue to parrot what some idiots say?
As a game, if MGSV is not complete, then I don't know what is. Even if you were to ignore 70% of the games content, it's still a huge game. It's more content rich and feature rich than most games. It plays extremely well. It's very much technically sound. In 180 hours of play I ran into one minor glitch and zero performance issues.
That sounds like a complete game to me.
As far as story goes (I really give no fucks), there is just as much story there as there was in the previous MGS games, aside from MGS4. The game is just so damn massive that it seems like there is less story. And while the story is stupid as **** for the most part, that's not anything new for this series. The last time this series had a decent story was MGS3. That was 11 years ago lol. MGSVs story, as poor as it is, is still much better than what we got with Peace Walker and MGS4.
The one thing people keep grasping to is the infamous mission 51. One final mission people thought would have added better closure to a game that already had good closure to the story it was telling. Would I want to play that mission 51? Sure, why not? Would one extra mission actually make a difference to the game being complete or not? **** no man.
I wouldn't be surprised if Konami decides to money hat it as some DLC eventually, but it's not a game changer by any means.
@mesome713: metal gear is full of content, the only thing people can complain about is the half assed story and lack of cutscenes compared to previous games in the series
Yeah, youll have to ask MGSV fans bout that one, their complaints not mine.
Well, you have brought it up on more than one occasion. If it's not your complaint, then why continue to parrot what some idiots say?
As a game, if MGSV is not complete, then I don't know what is. Even if you were to ignore 70% of the games content, it's still a huge game. It's more content rich and feature rich than most games. It plays extremely well. It's very much technically sound. In 180 hours of play I ran into one minor glitch and zero performance issues.
That sounds like a complete game to me.
As far as story goes (I really give no fucks), there is just as much story there as there was in the previous MGS games, aside from MGS4. The game is just so damn massive that it seems like there is less story. And while the story is stupid as **** for the most part, that's not anything new for this series. The last time this series had a decent story was MGS3. That was 11 years ago lol. MGSVs story, as poor as it is, is still much better than what we got with Peace Walker and MGS4.
The one thing people keep grasping to is the infamous mission 51. One final mission people thought would have added better closure to a game that already had good closure to the story it was telling. Would I want to play that mission 51? Sure, why not? Would one extra mission actually make a difference to the game being complete or not? **** no man.
I wouldn't be surprised if Konami decides to money hat it as some DLC eventually, but it's not a game changer by any means.
Again, im just being honest, i havnt played the game. Everyday i hear people complaining about it being rushed and having cut content.
Again, im just being honest, i havnt played the game. Everyday i hear people complaining about it being rushed and having cut content.
And I haven't play MGS5 as well. I was gonna get it at day one, but when the leaks came out for it, I heard a lot of stuff being cut out and I back away at the last minute buying it. MGS5 is going on my GOTY list along with Mortal Kombat X with everything in one game.
@davillain-: Yeah, i think its still a GOTY game. We have so many this year, im not sure it can win, but it will be there.
The WiiU is just a poorly designed console from the UI,to the OS,to the power,the network and the controller.I considered buying one for Xenoblade,but the overall package is unappealing and not worth my money.
"Too bad this isn't on a real console"
That's going to be the mantra of everyone who plays Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Every single time the weak hardware shows itself in poor gameplay or visuals people will say it.
Every single time that stupid gamepad's controls leaves people wanting better controls people will say it.
Every single time Nintendo's awful online infrastructure ruins a multiplayer game people will say it.
Can Xenoblade Chronicles X really do well when the last thing anyone thinks after every gaming session is "Too bad this isn't on a real console"?
Only this will effect me.
I know what the hardware and online are, so my hopes for those two is low, verry low.
Too busy playing to care.. & its not a Wii (egg painted face Shulk) vs X360/PS3 situation anyway. :P
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