@R4gn4r0k said:
@DragonfireXZ95 said:
Good, tired of these stupid survival games where you "create your own story". They aren't bad as long as they are sold at 20 bucks, but any more than that and it's usually a rip off.
The only survival game I really liked so far was The Forest, but that game has a story, so that helps. It's also only 15 bucks, so that really helped.
Yeah I'm not a big fan of Survival games either, and there are thousands trying to copy ... I dunno, did minecraft start it ? Or rust or the likes ? Dunno but most feel like lifeless clones and tedious busy work.
I have enjoyed Don't Starve though, it was a light and whitty game.
Currenly I'm playing Mad Max and I like the survival elements there. Gathering food and water (for your HP bar) actually fits the barren wasteland you find yourself in.
@Epak_ said:
Good, because the framerate was abysmal on Xbone.
Yeah optimization wasn't the best on PC either, last time I played.
They should really work on that, and now is the point where they start polishing and optimizing the game I hope :)
Yeah, these survival games were fun, initially, but after a while, they all become the same tedious slog through building crap and collecting/mining ingredients.
Also, if you play the MP of these, it usually ends up being you building a small base, then some no-lifers with assault rifles and all this crazy shit come and destroy you and your base repeatedly until you leave and find a new server. Either that, or you end up playing on your own server with some friends and without any PVP of any kind, and it just gets boring as hell. You're crafting and creating stuff, but what for? You got this base finally set up, but now there's nothing to do with it.
The Forest was really the only game that seems to have captured a useful feel for the crafting, because the natives come by and eventually attack you, so having a decent base is a must.
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