Weird remaster numero uno:
Arcania: The Complete Tale for PS4.
What? You mean the game that was slaughtered on PC, PS3 and 360?
Yes, I mean that one. But it is on PS4 now and so will be faster and betterer. Yes.
WTF? Extra weirdness comes from the fact it is already out, they sneaked it out and yet there is not a single review or any PS4 screenshots in the entire internet world to warn people not to buy it how did they manage to pull that off?
Gamespot haven't even mentioned it exists let alone reviewed it. This truly is the remaster that 'got away'.
Weird remaster numero deux:
Risen 3 Enhanced Edition for PS4.
It will apparently be better than PC on ultra settings which sounds great except it absolutely blew on ANY settings on PC and the less said about the console versions the better.
What next? Are we moving on from Definitive Editions to Least Worst Editions? Have some dignity. I'm not entirely sure who I said that to, it just sounded good at the time.
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