I hated Final Fantasy XIII. I flat out hated it, and along with Dragon Age 2, I consider it to be one of the worst games I have ever had the misfortune to play. Opinons can be debated to no end back and forth, but this thread isn't about that. I hated Final Fantasy XIII, and that's that.
No, what I really wanted to talk about in this thread was Final Fantasy XIII-2.
I went into this game with heavy pre conceived notions. The lowest and worst selling mainline FInal Fantasy game ever, the sequel to one of the most disappointing (and linear and restrictive) games I have ever played, negative press about its incredibly lame ending and the planned DLC... honestly, I wouldn't have even played this game had certain circumstances not forced it upon me. But I did, and I'm glad I did.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is great. It takes everything that was good about Final Fantasy XIII, builds upon that potential and fully realizes it, fixes most of what was wrong with that divisive game, and produces a game that, if my intial impressions are anything to go by, might very well turn out to be the best Final Fantasy game since IX.
Seriously, I know there's been a lot of negative press around the game. Ignore it. The game is great, and it's a step (albeit an uneasy step) forward for the JRPG genre, the Final Fantasy franchise, and Square Enix as a whole.
- The battle system: Final Fantasy XIII's battle system was always a tale of unrealized potential, and it finally comes into its own with Final Fantasy XIII-2. Without having to take about ten hours to set the system up, Square Enix instead work on expanding the core concept even further with XIII-2. Fast paced and strategic, Final fantasy XIII-2's battle system is one of the most novel advancements made to JRPGs in a very long time.
- The soundtrack: Final Fantasy games have always had some great music, and XIII-2 is no exception. The music always fits the mood, and many a time, it augments and enhances it.
- Freedom, at last: Remember the absolute linerity of Final Fantasy XIII? Remember how it forced you through one corridor after another? Remember the game's sorry excuse for an RPG structure, one that didn't even leave room for towns? All of that is gone. While it still doesn't seem to be as free form as some of the earlier games in the series, so far at least, it seems like Square Enix have addressed one of the most major complaints about XIII.
- The story makes no sense: Final Fantasy XIII's story was cliche and archetypical, but it qas beautiful, abstract and mysterious. XIII-2's story on the other hand, is an absolute mess. I have no idea what's going on. And this is in spite of me going through the game's 'primer guide' that brushes you up on XIII's story to make sure you aren't confused. I still am. I'm lost. What the hell, Square Enix?
- The characterization is cringe inducing: You thought Vanille and Hope were bad? Wait till you get to suffer Noel and Serah. They're like caricatures of the bro gamer's impression of typical JRPG characters, they're so bad.
- Voice acting: Don't even get me started. Please.
But with all of that said and sone, seriously, it is important that you played this game. It represents a rare case of a game developer listening to their fanbase's complaints and then actually addressing those complaints. We need to show them that this is the kind of game we want, not another Final Fantasy XIII.
The game is great, and it might turn out to be the best Final Fantasy game I have played this side of IX.
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