So is true then, only at the edge of the precipice is that we change our ways.
Hopes sony goes for it,after always Sony has always been open online.
@mems_1224 said:
Pretty smart PR move. If Sony gets in on this then all gamers benifit and it's yet another pro consumer move from MS. If Sony backs away and runs(which they will) MS will make them look like liars.
It is a pro consumer move one sony took last gen and that was only MS the one not wanting it to happen,is good that they change their mind.
@gago-gago said:
I doubt Sony are brave enough to step in the cage. They rather cater to their loner gamer consumers and give them single player VR experiences than support more cross-play multiplayer battles. The term cow was also derived from "cow"ards so it's not a surprise if Sony and their fans are too scared to step up.
My god is like you started gaming yesterday.
Microsoft however, is currently not allowing such at thing on the Xbox One, according to Gaijin Entertainment CEO Anton Yudintsev. Yudintsev explained to GameSpot at GDC that War Thunder is not going to be coming to Xbox One, leaving fans of the consoles who’ve had their eye on the game after the beta test, out of luck. He claims that Microsoft’s reasoning for the lack of cross-platform play is Microsoft’s need to certify game servers to ensure a “good experience” for all players.
sony did it since the PS3 and allowed mods to.
It goes to show what competition will do and how it will force companies to change strategies.
If only sony would have not decide to charge for online this gen i am sure MS would have drop it as well.
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