1. Engine change. I think the game is fine, but it could be SO much better, so much prettier. A new engine (or at least highly updating the current one) would be nice. Offer improved graphics and effects and all that, and take down one major complaint people tend to have for the series.
2. Improved AI, taken from RAGE mostly. In other words, AI would be MUCH smarter and more aggressive and harder to take down, also maybe have fewer AI enemies so I don't feel TOO much like a one man army in a game about being one part of a larger cog.
3. Higher skill ceiling. Its an easy game to get into, but also too easy for anyone to master. Add recoil to the guns, change up the gear, etc. Counter Strike is easy to get into but hard to master, and that's the sweet spot I'd like CoD to be in for the multiplayer.
4. Bigger campaign/co-op focus. A LOT of the focus is on multiplayer, so I'd like them to shift to campaign and co-op more. Make campaign a few hours longer, it doesn't have to feel stretched out, but I feel like a game shouldn't be 5 hours long, and games like Half-Life and Crysis are able to give these giant sweeping epic campaigns with great pacing, I don't even ask for that much. Just a little closer to that and feeling tacked on, more open (like CoD4 was at the VERY least), and more taking point then following my leader (also, something CoD4 did a lot more of then the newer games).
5. Wildly change perks and killstreaks in multiplayer. Instead of perks that weirdly give you magical boosts, I'll keep the perks strictly to gear related things like the extra ammo, RPG's, etc. Killstreaks will also be changed up, work a LOT more like Medal of Honor's system in points over kills, and also remove that MW3 package that doesn't reset since, seriously, that's n00b as f*ck and not at all rewarding.
Since 5 isn't enough, I'll toss a single bonus one that could easily be interchanged with any of these:
- New mechanics and gameplay additions. Black Ops did some of this by adding a chopper flying mechanic and a diving mechanic, these are small things but they can add up. MW's movement feels dated and static, they need to add more options. Let me slide to cover, let me dive, let me open a f*cking door and see my guy open a door instead of it having to already be open or opened by someone else. These are small things, but they could radically change the gameplay. Imagine if you survived getting shot at just barely by sliding to nearby cover, or setting up defense by closing some doors (something Rainbow Six Vegas allowed online and offline)? It would all add up, these little things, to make a more drastically changed experience without changing the core of the gameplay and series for anyone who is afraid of change.
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