Other then unbalanced perks, everything else isn't too big an issue with, say, the mute button and difficulty settings and all, and even then Black Ops was like the least unbalanced CoD ever.
My number 1 issue is the removed focus on campaign. I remember with CoD1 how the emphasis was on the story and campaign and the multiplayer was just this little addition. Then CoD2 and CoD4 became major XBL hits and the focus started going towards online.
Don't get me wrong, I like the online (and I love the co-op they've been doing lately), but the single player needs more work. The story is all over the place with crazy spy stuff and plot holes, and when the story is actually good they end up sacrificing the pacing and set pieces (which Black Ops did for the most part other then a few nice moments).
The absolute worst thing the campaign does though, worse then the story, worse then the short time, is the linearity. God, its so stifling, being forced to follow corridors or one dude, not being able to take alternate routes or have a little freedom. CoD4 was actually pretty good in this regard, almost eveyr mission had at least 2 or 3 different paths to your objective you could take without needing to follow a dude, plus a bevy of different tools for the job. Maybe you take a rifle and pick off enemies from the rooftops of the middle eastern city streets? Or maybe you grab a shotgun and take a flanking route? That's not even mentioning levels like Safehouse that are entirely open for you to explore and complete at your leisure.
We don't see any of that anymore, and there is no reason for that. CoD4 had the best set pieces, one of the best stories, and the best pacing of any CoD game to date without sacrificing freedom, but now we're just being led by the hand and having a giant "FOLLOW" sign over out leader because we can't even have the benefit of taking point, so the replay value gets lost.
I really think the CoD games need to put a focus on single player again. The MP formula is already pretty good other then for some balance issues, but the campaigns need the most change. I want a return to form, and if they can make them longer without having the game drag on (like with Rainbow Six Vegas' 12 hour campaign), then perfect. If not then 7 is fine if I get the luxury of freedom and replay value.
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